
My guinea pig...???

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ok, my Guinea Pig, Panic has been nibbling alot more lately and whenever he hears someone walk by he screams, when I pick him up he stops, or if anyone picks him up he stops.. He has enough citrus and he is healthy. And is held alot. He loves attention... what can i do o make him be calmer sometimes. I will be getting him a friend soon, I've only had him for about 4 months or mabye 5. please help!





  1. if you get your pig a buddy you need to make sure their the same s*x they breed like crazy that was the mistake I maid but you can just ignore them because you got your pig in the mood that all he has to do is squeal and some one will be right there and when it's bed time but a dark towel over the cage because they are nocturnal this will also calm him down.

  2. Well he may be lonly but his teeth may be slightly overgrown and he is trying to trim them down.As long as he is eating though, there shoundn't be overgrown

  3. Look...

    just a word of caution.

    first of all if your female pig is 6 month to a year old or more do not breed her.It most likely will kill her due to her pubic bones fusing as they get older.They can't get the babies out!

    It is irresponsible to breed animals when there are so many unwanted animals around.Do not breed her at all-get her a female companion.

    You have to quarantine the new pig for about a month to see if the pig comes down with any infectious disease which could kill your present pig.Read about it on the internet.

    Introduce them slowly or they will fight.This means getting another cage for the new pig and keeping them separate for a while .After the quarantine have short play dates where they can get to know each other ina safe place and then put them back in separate this for at least a week or till you see they are more accepting of each other.

    You see,owning animals really require some responsible thought,learning the facts and careful actions.

    Oh and the most important thing -they MUST have good

    qualityHAY  and plenty of it.Order on the internet from APD hay or Oxbow hay,Both wonderful website for the health of your animals.


  4. If your guinea pig is chewing, then he probably needs to get his teeth clipped. Don't forget they are just like other rodents and their front incisors constantly grow. I don't think you can really make your guinea pig stop screaming. It is probably his way of communicating or it's just him being himself. For the female, most often the first litter is about 3-5 pups. After the mother has her pups, DO NOT put her back with the male, she will go into heat again and the last thing you want is a second litter. Let the mother be with her pups until they are approximately four weeks of age. By this time they should be weened and if any males are in the litter, they will be able to reproduce with the mother. When you buy a female, ensure that she is under eight months of age. After this, her hip bones will close making the birth canal much smaller and harder to give birth. I would suggest that only the males be fixed. Females are much more difficult to fix since a vet would have to open up the abdomen and remove the uterus.

  5. He is probably lonely. Guinea pigs are herd animals and do best in same s*x pairs or groups.

    Please do not breed your guinea pigs. Breeding guinea pigs is very risky and you could end up losing the mother and babies. Not to mention there are so many in shelters and rescues already. You're prepared to keep up to seven babies? Can you really afford to keep them if she has such a large litter? Fixing guinea pigs is a big, risky, surgery, please just get him a same s*x friend.

    Read here:

  6. "Not going to take being a mother away from her"?!  - that's a very irresponsible reason to breed animals!

    She's an animal and by not breeding her, you are being a responsible pet owner and thinking about the 1,000s of adoptable guinea pigs out there. Not all animals are fit to breed.  Do you know the genetics of your animals?  They may look cute, but there are certain confirmation faults/predisposition to diseases you need to think about too.

    Guinea pigs live up to 7 years. Are you really going to be able to handle raising offspring and caring for them throughout their lives and yours? Many "beloved pets" end up unwanted due to the work and expense that they require. The two guinea pigs I have currently cost me roughly $160/ year in vet visits alone. I've also had to drop between $200-$400 on a single vet visit for health issues that older piggies (2 years +) face (bladder stones, abscesses that need to be drained, etc.) Not to mention hay, bedding, vitamins, veggies, toys, treats, and everything else that comes with having a pet. It all adds up! And you could be paying 7 fold by having baby piggies.

    Be mature and responsible: do not breed your guinea pigs.

  7. Guineas are very vocal and he is just calling out to you for a cuddle when you walk by, you can't stop them from doing this and shouldn't really stop them as this is their natural bahaviour.

    When you say getting him a friend soon i would approch with caution unless you are getting a female, as males tend to fight especially since the new piggy hasn't grown up with him. If you do get him a female be sure she is at least 5 months before you put them together/breed them (male piggies can pregnate from 3 weeks old) and don't leave it until after a year as her pelvis will cease in the closed position and she won't be able to give birth. If you have a litter before a year it is okay to breed after a year as her pelvis will cease in the open position.

    Female Guineas can have up to 6ish however 2/3 is the best as if there is just one they tend to be large and difficult to give birth to, i have found with experience that the more babies piggies give birth to the more tend to be still born or suffocate in their birth sacs as mum hasn't had enough time to open them all up in time.

    Hope this has helped you x
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