
My guinea pig runs around crazily and twitches?

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I have a guinea pig and usually in the evenings it runs around its cage crazily "wheeking" (the oinking noise) and like jumping. It's not like popcorning where it bucks or whatever it just twitches suddenly as if something has bitten it.

Whenever I try and comfort it, it runs off back into it's hiding place and even when I go past it, it just speeds off. Usually it is calm and doesn't mind people walking past it's cage but when it goes crazy it does.

I was thinking if it has mites? I don't see it scratch much, maybe once or twice a day. I'm using special mite shampoos for it and a deodorising spray which has flea repelent in it. It also is a single guinea pig.

I was wondering what is wrong with it??

Please help, I don't like to think it's in distress :(




  1. Don't worry, this is perfectly normal. As hard as it is to believe, this can be considered pop corning. When it runs away from you, it just means that it's surprised with you coming over.

    If you are convinced that it is not pop corning, it might be that something has scared it and it is letting you know that it's freaked out.

    Whenever my guinea pig does this, I just give him some Timothy Hay and he calms down.

  2. it is not in distress it is just really freaked out about something

    so if you are not that worried let it be, it will fix what ever problems on its own

    but if you are really freaked out, take it to a vet

    maybe not today but soon

    hope ur piggie feels ok

  3. it is not mites

    your guinea pig is just a little freaked out. you need to be calm and gentle. when you walk over to the cage talk to her gently and softly and give her a treat so she doesnt see you as a threat. pet her, but only if shes ready and eliminate any fear from her life. that means no sudden movements, no loud noises, no cats, no dogs, and she must always be able to see you.

  4. it needs more room try building it a outdoor cage for it to go outside evrery day and also make walls so it can jump over it guinea pigs love to jump

  5. I also have a guinea pig, whose name is Nibbles. He has some of the same actions, but I don't think he has mites. I would recommend taking him to a vet, and if the doctor says that there is nothing wrong with it, then i would just recommend some different comforting techniques. For example, if you have not tried this already, buy a soft-bristled brush and take him out often to brush him. Also, try taking  him out more often than you already do, if possible. It seems my guinea pig is more comfortable around me when I take him out and give him treats the 2 times a day that I do. So I really hope this helps. Good Luck!

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