
My guinea pig was shaking and his mouth was wet did he upchuck?

by  |  earlier

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he had been weird all day and in a cornor of there cage when i came home. What do i do? :( (i don't no for sure if he is a boy)




  1. If hes been acting weird all day, I would get him to a vet asap. can help you find a cavy savvy vet. is another good cavy site.

  2. Its the teeth im almost sure!! Their teeth never stop growing and must have something to grind them down, wood toys and such. And a steady supply of timothy hay always in the cage. Watch to see if he/she isnt eating, if not, get to a vet ASAP. they can go down hill fast. PS a male is REALLY easy to tell, large testicles the size of a walnut, not to be gross. I'd go to the vet if i were you also get a manual on g. piggies.

  3. Guinea Pigs CAN Be Sick Check The Cage For Any Signs Of Spit Lumpy Liquid. Gently Stroke Him/Her Try Picking Him/Her Up Take your guinea to the vet or look on the intenet for sites that can tell you about this.

    Good Luck And Tell Us What Happened.

  4. aww.. poor baby! He might be scared :( just leave him alone and keep his cage in a dark, like place out of the sunlight. If it lasts longer than two days you might want to see if he has a cold :)

    Symptoms of a cold may be lethargic behavior, perhaps huddling in a corner of its cage. Its nose may appear swollen and its fur ruffled from wiping nasal discharge. The eyes will also show a discharge and the hamster will breathe noisily. Place the cage into a warm spot, and give the hamster some lukewarm milk mixed with water and a bit of honey. If the hamster will not drink, you will have to feed it with eye dropper. If there is no improvement in its condition within 2 days, call or visit your vet. Always keep your hamster’s cage in a draft proof place, not too close to any window or door which may expose it to cool drafts.

    Hope this helps!!!!


    animal helper

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