
My guinea pig won't eat?

by Guest61725  |  earlier

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hey i got a guinea pig she will not eat or drink i got her yesterday she is 15 weeks old i hand feed her she pees and poops normaly and i dont no if this is cuz she is in a new place or she is sick should i take her to the vet of continue to hand feed her






    may be a sign of tumors

  2. hand feed her and hold her alot so she gets used to her new home and to you im 8 yrs and not much experience but i have lots of vet games and book im a future vet

  3. Congrats on your new piggie!

    Normally, not eating or drinking is a huge red flag that something is wrong. However, since you just got her YESTERDAY, I would give her another day to acclimate to your home and presence. She may just be scared. If she doesn't start eating & drinking on her own, you need to see a vet to determine the cause. Here is a little reading that may help you:

    Good luck!

  4. Well if its a she then she could maybe be preganent. Has she ever been with a male piggie before? Or it could just be that she is in a new home and maybe you feed her different food than she used to have. Call the vet and tell him whatsup. he will help you out. Dont worry, im sure everything will be just fine.

  5. If you got her from a pet store, she is likely sick.

  6. You should try holding her and picking up some pellots or the food bowl and putting it up to its mouth. Your guinea pig will smell the food and will get the ides that it is food.

    You should so basically the same thing with the water bottle-hold your guinea pig and but the nozzle to its mouth and squeeze just a little bit so a small amount of water comes out and he/she gets the idea.

    It might take awhile, but this technique usually works.

    If your guinea pig still won't eat, try buying the same food they give their guinea pigs at the pet store.

    Good Luck :)

  7. your guinea pig is breaking up with you

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