
My guinea pig wont come out from under the sofa. Ive been trying for a half hour!!!! help!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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so i let her out because i thought she was getting bored. and she ran under the sofa. i've tried EVERYTHING! i tried dangling her favorite food on a string and luring her out, i've tried being agressive, i've tried being nice. get near her, she'll lunge and bite. she's such a psycho! a really pissed off one. and i'm pretty pissed off too. i just can't get her out. and i really want to get on with my life, so what should i do?




  1. ^^ What he said. If it doesn't work, try banging really loud and shaking the couch and it should spook it out. Then you gotta catch it, best of luck lol

  2. get a mate to help you pick up the sofa ...?

    in the mean time you can set a trap, get a deep bucket and put a cushion at the bottom, put some of her fave treats in it, then make a staircase of books up to the bucket and put a treat on each step, then she will jump in the bucket and not get harmed or go hungry or get out =]

    good luck =]

  3. I have one and all i do is wait. Just be out of his sight let her be out of the area and catch her.*$

  4. Wow!

    Make sure you are very careful and watch it closely.

    take the first answerers advice!

    But again, be very careful

  5. well maybe you could hold its favourite treat out

    and see if that lures him?


    move the sofa because he may be stuck?

  6. same thing happend to me with my hamster

    ok have someone help you for this

    with a broom stick have someone on the floor and push her out then you quickly place a wet towel over her so she cant escape, then with the towel pick her up so she cant see and stuff and put her in her cage, thats what worked for me

  7. Get her cage and put treats in it. Leave the door open, right beside the couch. Now don't make any noises, she'll come out on her own.

  8. get someone to lift it up and then you crawl under and get it  

  9. get some of its favourite food put it well clear of the sofa and keep an eye on it but where it can not see you. if you fail to do that move the sofa a little bit and it should scare it out , or , if not just put some hay under the sofa and some  food and drink out dont worry its happened to me before it will come out when it is hungry or thirsty.  Or move the sofa away and grab it.!!!!

  10. i had this same thing happen to me, except she ran under a pine tree and it took me two hours to get her out! that is one of the reasons i dont like guinea pigs, they need to CHILL! anyway, know that this is going to take a while and you didnt really help by trying to scare her out, now she thinks of you as a scary predator. put her cage (her safe haven) next to the couch with some yummy treats in there and see if she'll hop back in. if not, move the couch and grab her, but never do this again

  11. first of all take a deep breath if you have a brush put that behind her and gently pull the brush and she should run out if nt put sme gloves on and grap her by the scruff if all else fails leave her she will cme out when she is hungry

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