
My guinea pig wont eat vegetables and just perfers dry food! HELP?

by  |  earlier

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SHes about a month old and im wondering if her digestive system isnt ready to eat vegetables or fresh foods but can work up a good appetite for dry food. i know she needs vitamin C and other important things.BUT I NEED HELP!PLEASE!




  1. If you are concerned about vitamins, pet stores sell some solution to put into their drinking water.  It has an orange/brownish color, and you simply put a few drops in their drinking water, and it provides all the vitamins they need.  They love the taste!

    Otherwise, she seems rather young.  Wait a few more months or even a year to see if she ever acquires a liking for fruits and veggies.  I've noticed that some guinea pigs actually do prefer the standard dry food.  Just give it time.

  2. they might learn to like it like humans dont always like somthing the first time keep trying diferent kinds of fruit and veg (guinea pig safe things) and make sure she has dry food my guinea pigs didnt eat much fruit or veg eather

    hope this helps

    please help me :);...

  3. try diff veggies, my g-pigs dont like certan veggies

  4. If she doesn't seem to like them yet, you can dry dried fruits and veggies first, THEN go on to regular ones. This might get her used to it more gradually.

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