
My guinea pigs are still scared of me after several months...Why don't they trust me?

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I got Grace and Isabella last febuary. I try and pick them up so I can hold them, but they won't let me. They get scared and run off. They are really fast, and I can't catch her in time. How do I get them to trust me? I need help, because it's getting really hard to clip their toe nails(my mom has to do it) They used to let me hold them all of the time when they were little. Isabella would even try to climb up my shirt. Why don't they let me hold them any more? Help.




  1. thay are probobly just alitill shie but that can change you  can olso give them treats when thay behave

  2. idk about guienea pigs but my hamster wuz like tht too. i blocked off every exit,then grabbed him. he hated it, but i kept doing it even when he wuz tired and hungry( when hungary i'd feed him in my  lap), but after 2 days i let him rest, and he then became more comfortable around me. he still is kinnda scared, but not as much as b4. he dosent run away all the time(just once in a while) and plays when hes w/ me.he donly lets me feed him if he's really hungary, or in his cage though. but try that w/ ur gpigs

  3. Your pigs are probably sick. Go to the vet and see if there is anything wrong with them. If not try putting food in your hand and then setting it down in the cage.Then if they come stroke them gently and say like your a pretty girl! In a calm relaxing voice if you do this everyday they will probably start to come up to you like they are saying "where is the food?" Then use a towel when putting them on your chest because they will go whenever they like. Hope this helped

  4. Guinea pigs very very rarely bite- so you really just have to catch them. Be sure to be quick, but gentle. Every time you let them get away you are not training them at all. Carefully get one cornered and lift her up from beneath. Find a quite place to sit down and have treats like bell pepper slices or strawberries ready. Feed them in your lap and they will eventually learn to associate being picked up with rewards and look forward to it. Good luck!

  5. You should only approach them when they can see you very slowly then pet them and stroke them. When they start to trust you use treats and veggie to lure them where to you can reach them after that stroke them a bit so they no your there and slowly pick them up one hand on their bum and one on their shoulders. It took me a while to tame my girls too its natural for them to be scared of you at first but you should if you cuddle them atleast once each day  earn their trust.

    Also do you keep them outdoors or indoors? I reccomend indoors as you see them more and they get to know you more. You dont have to pick up your guinea pig to cuddle it (avoid picking it up much) they do not really like being picked up and you will earn their trust quicker. Also a bigger cage will make them happier.

    good luck!

  6. Idk...? that's strange? usually guinea pigs are too social!

    u can hold one at a time while feeding it a carrot or lettuce, it will make them feel better they like ppl when they get food :)  And be extra nice to them and pet them/spend more time with them maybe they'll warm up to you again.

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