
My guinea pigs make aload of mess HELP!

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my dad is thinking of taking my guinea pigs off me because lots of hay gets allover the floor from floortime i vacced it two days ago and its messy already i cant be bothered tidying it 24/7 so how can i keep it more tidy i already tried lining the floor with towels but it still didnt work!!




  1. Have you seen ? Make the coro sides higher and switch to fleece. Less mess.  

  2. Guinea pigs live like pigs! I've had them before and they do make a lot of mess. If you can't be bothered cleaning up after them then maybe you should think of having a pet that is better suited to you.

  3. I don't see how the hay spilled on the floor, but yes, if you see 8 or 9 pieces of hay on the ground, you may want to pick it up.  But if there is like, 30 pieces of hay, you want to vacuum it. :)

  4. i have two males and they do make a lot of mess, i find myself hovering up after them about two to three times a day, sometimes more. if your not up to tidying after these high matenance pets then i should see about rehoming them.

  5. Use a hay hanger or otherwise known as a veggie basket. It hangs from the cage and is certainly tidier. Just keep it full. Use Aspen chips found in PetsMart. They aren't that light and they are dust-free. They are heavier and easier to clean out and don't fly everywhere. Put newspaper (only black and white) under the bedding. Keep the food in heavy ceramic bowls. If you need more help, put cardboard around it.

    Is the cage big enough? Maybe he needs more room. to move. Every guinea pig needs 2 square feet PLUS their hiding hut (you can use a small plain box with a little hole in it. Try not to use colored ink boxes) and food space.

    P.S I know how it is with annoying parents. *Sigh. You should clean the cage on Wednesdays and Saturdays and buy a pet safe deodorizer. Good luck! Make sure you groom them regularly and clip their nails. Don't shampoo them all the time, maybe if they really need it and are soiled, use a gentle small animal shampoo. Here is a website that gives great advice. Good Luck! =D

  6. Eyuk!I think your dad's right.

  7. When they have floortime they don't really need any hay. They are usually too busy running around and playing to eat.

    But if you want a little bit available for them why don't you invest in a hay rack or ball? Like this ..... or this .....

    Put that on top of a sheet of newspaper so any hay that does escape you can scoop it up easily.  

  8. Guinea pigs can definitely be quite messy, especially with all of that hay. They really don't need any hay during floortime, they'll be fine as long as they're back in their cage afterwards. Guinea pigs do need timothy hay daily, but they can go an hour or two without it during floortime. Hayracks in your cage will also help to keep the hay contained and off of your floor. We use the grids from the C&C Cage and attach one to the corner of the cage using binder clips. Works great!

  9. I know.  It can be frustrating.  I got rabbit cages for my guinea pigs.  They are bigger and have high plastic trays.  Not rabbit cages with a wire floor because it is bad for the guinea pigs feet.  The high plastic tray contains all the bedding.  With the rabbit cages they don't get any bedding at all on the floor.  

  10. I assume you free feed the hay, right? It helps to have a hay box in the cage, like this one.

    It keeps the hay in place so it doesn't end up scattered everywhere and they're less likely to kick it out of the cage. It's fun for them too, having to pull out pieces to chew.  

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