
My guinea pigs toe please help ?

by Guest10840  |  earlier

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theres a hard bump on my guinea pigs middle toe i have no idea where it came from and i just saw it this morning i'm thinking he got bit by a centrepede because we have them and im very worried it's not bleeding theres no puss it's jus BIG




  1. what kind of cage do you have if it has a wire floor than he could have caught his toe on the bottom of the cage and hurt it, and if a centapede bit him he needs to go to the vet because they inject venom to kill there pray and they can kill an animal thats mouse size so even though it might not kill him it could make him very sick and possibly cause health problems,  watch it for a couple days and if it don't get better take him to the vet and maybe try putting down centapede poision in the room you keep your pig in, good luck

  2. I don't want to scare you but it could be a tumour because that's what happened to my guinea pig he died but you should takes your guinea pig to the vet and find out what it is.

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