
My guineapig makes a purring sound whan i pet her in a comfortable spot but not my cousins why doesnt he do it

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My guineapig makes a purring sound whan i pet her in a comfortable spot but not my cousins why doesnt he do it




  1. well ti means the guinea pig likes it. do u mean when u do it to ur cousins guinea pig. well it u did to answer that (if u mean that). some guinea pigs don't like to be pet sometimes or have different spots that they pur or rumble at when u wither scratch or pet in that area.

    (my guinea pig george recently died R.I.P.)

  2. Even though it sounds stupid, hamsters have different personalities and enjoy different things.  Your cousin's hamster could be completely different from yours, i.e. gender, type, etc. Both of the hamsters are perfectly fine and there's nothing wrong with either of them.

  3. ur guinea pig likes you better :)

  4. hahahha dont worry only some do that apparently

  5. MINE DOES THE SAME. iT'S CUZ HEZ USED 2 U.  sorry i had caps on

  6. I think that they rumble when they are happy and content.  They love to be handled.  I can hold mine for hours.  It is like when a cat purrs.  Maybe your cousin doesn't hold him or pet him like you do yours.  When they receive love they give love.

  7. Be careful and do not let your cousins guinea pig make your guinea pig pregnant!

    Pregnancy is dangerous for piggies.Especially those over the age of 7 months.

  8. u mean the rumbling sound ?

    it means that they don't want to be hold anymore ? or didn't get use to it

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