
My guitar is being retarded -_-??

by  |  earlier

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a couple weeks ago i decided that the strings were way too tight on my carlo robelli and i loosened them and then tuned it to a more loose fashion now as the weeks have gone by, as i strum they all vibrate uncontrollably and the sound is so bad i hate it >_< but its not because the strings are loose because as i tried to tighten them they were still doing the same thing

i dunno whats goin on but its a fairly new guitar so help!! pweese!!!




  1. Do you have the proper gauge of strings on it?  If the ones you have are still the originals, then they ought to be right, if not, go to the manufacturer&#039;s web site and find out what they recommend.  Then try  for great prices and service...I recommend D&#039;Addario but that&#039;s just my own personal taste.

    If they&#039;re older strings, that might be the problem--tho&#039; they shouldn&#039;t wear out to that extent in less than a year.  Maybe it sat in the music store for a long long time?

    When you loosened them, is it possible that one or more slipped out of the guide notch on the bridge or the nut?  Look closely to see if they&#039;re staying put.

    In the worst-case scenario, your guitar neck may have gotten a bit out of adjustment.  There&#039;s a guitar shop near me that does simple set-up adjustments for under $40, so as a last resort, find a similar shop near you.

  2. You might want to use lighter gauge strings. I&#039;m asuming that your Carlo Robelli is an acoustic? Go to your nearest music store and buy light gauge acoustic strings or if it&#039;s an electric try 9 gauge. Also...get a tuner because the horrible sound you&#039;re hearing is probably due to the fact that your guitar is way out of tune :-)

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