
My gum hurts really bad is this normal?

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inside my mouth it really hurts!




  1. its possible that your gums are swollen, because mine were, and i went to the dentist and thats when the pain really kicked in because the dentist started saying ohh your gums are swollen, so this is gonna hurt. so if your gums are more puffy in one place than the other, then its possible.  

  2. No, your gums should not be painful. You should see a dentist ASAP.

  3. go to the dentist and no

  4. when you experience pain in any parts of your body then there is something wrong going on and definitely it is not normal.  

    painful gums is warning sign of gum disease, yes you need to get to the dentist right away. your dentist will check on your gum condition and recommend gum disease treatments.  in the meantime, you might consider using an all natural oral care product to keep the gum disease from progression, this will help you clean the mouth and keep it salivated as well as keep bad bacteria in the mouth under control.

    taking care of your gums could entail only paying close attention to proper oral hygiene like proper brushing and careful flossing every after meal. this can help remove plaque that get stuck on teeth.  having a regular dental check up and regular dental cleanings can make sure that teeth and gums stay healthy.  water has a lot of health benefits and this can be advantageous to oral and dental health. make sure that you drink adequate amount of water to be able to keep bad bacteria in the mouth at bay.  visit for more gum care tips.

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