
My gums are bleeding . I am not doing anything new and I am not smoking anymore than usually but theres a hole

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in my lip , and my gums are sore all the way around . Anyone know what this may be ?




  1. Remember, no one here is a professional or licensed physician.

    Any questions with such concerns should either consult their physician or seek medical help immediately.

  2. its called gingivities, so go to your dentist to take care of it, otherswise the problem might grow.

  3. not really sure what it is

    but sounds like you sould

    get it checked out

  4. Bleeding and swollen gums can be signs of periodontal disease or other serious medical problems.  Persistent bad breath, toothache, receding gums are other symptoms of poor dental health.  Unchecked swollen gums and untreated bleeding gums can lead to a far more serious medical concerns.  Having good oral hygiene is crucial and it should include proper brushing and thorough flossing that can help remove plaque and tartar from teeth.  However, bleeding gums cannot be stopped by brushing teeth alone.  To care for the entire mouth, total oral hygiene requires a comprehensive plan, including the teeth and gums, but also including all of the tissue inside the mouth.    

    for more tips about bleeding gums cure visit

  5. Sounds like you have early signs of gingivitis!

  6. mouth cancer. good job smoking.

  7. i have no idea what it might be, but you should go to the dentist asap.

    and good luck!

  8. Do you/have you ever chewed? You might have gum cancer.

  9. SOME people on here ARE licensed professionals...but you need to be seen by a doctor and have the lip biopsied.  Don't procrastinate

  10. It could be gingivitis. You should go and see a dentist before it gets worse and you start losing teeth.

    Gingivitis is a gum disease that makes gums swell and bleed and is usually caused by either not brushing and flossing regularly or dry mouth.

  11. Theres a good chance that your chewing and that is a very bad habit

  12. could be a canker sore

    rinse your mouth with warm salt water

    it will sting a little, but do it a couple

    times a day till its healed

  13. It could be from years of smoking. It could be cancer, Your gums might be bleeding because you might have a gingivitis in your gums. I use to have a hole in my bottom lip, I had to have surgery because all my gums was gone, and they had to take sum gu(Skin) from my cheek and sow it on my bottom lip. I don't remember what the name of the disease was but it most commonly in Black people. I think it's called Pirea. I don't know if that is the correct spelling or not. But if I was you I would go to the dentist to get it checked out before it gets worse and start an infection in your mouth.

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