
My gums bleed whenever I brush. Any dentist available for free consultation?

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I find it very difficult to go to dentist. Time is a constraint.




  1. Answer this question.

    If you were bleeding from another body opening, would you hesitate going to the doctor?

    If the answer to that question is NO, why in heavens name would you not go to the dentist when you have bleeding in your mouth?

    Bleeding gums are a signal that your mouth is not healthy and needs professional attention. Bleeding gums can lead to other health issues such as bad breath, tooth loss, heart complications to name a few.

    Just make sure that you get to your dentist before you have irreparable damage.

  2. use salt for brushing.

  3. Hello...Ok lets get one thing clear before I respond to your question...Time constraint is an excuse to justify your possible inability to set proper priorities...and your far from alone in that area....far to many people suffer from that dilemma....Maybe you should have said you have a fear of Dentist and that would probably be more true than time we go...Why does your gums bleed:

    (1)...You have a gum tissue disease !!!!

    (2)...You are anemic !!!

    (3)...Your using a toothbrush that has to stiff bristles !!!

    Without seeing you for an examination that's the best anyone can do as far as attempting to diagnose your issue...I can tell you this for sure. If it's gum disease it will begin to eat away the gum bone and when enough bone is lost you will be facing extractions and dentures....If your issue is anemia, more than your gums is being affected....When a person has health issue one of the very first places it shows up is in the mouth...Ever wonder why a doctor always begins an examination by having you open your mouth and Ahhhh?? Now you know.....If you fear Dentist, get over it...the diagnosis may be painful but the dental procedures will not...dentistry is painless overall....It's when a person avoids early treatment that procedures can be uncomfortable...You sound as if your in the early stage of your issue so see a Dentist ASAP...Good luck and I wish you well.

  4. Bright tooth gel, made from Aloe Vera by "Forever Living Products" is good for bleeding gum.

  5. it might be due to bad oral hygiene or plaque and tartar around the gum.

    this few answers might help you.

    you are free to ask any questions if you are not clear..

  6. if your gums bleed on brushing that means your oral hygeine is poor. your gums are inflammed. do not sop brushing because they bleed. brush twice a can use warm saline rinses. these really can also use chlorhexidine mouth wash. For more information on gum diseases and brushing techniques you can visit

  7. Brush and Floss after every meal (or floss picks) and also use mouthwash after every meal. Also Try drinking more water. And use products approved by the american dental association like...listerine,colgate,and orbit chewing gum. After you see improvement you can slow down to doing that stuff twice a day

  8. not much to say without a complete evaluation consisting of dental x-rays and a complete periodontal evaluation.

  9. It sounds like now you just brush more rigourously than before.Be sure not to press as hard and you'll be find.

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