
My guppies are dying

by Guest32521  |  earlier

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ok i have guppies and 3 of them just die what should i do and how can i tell if they are a female or a male




  1. um... dont do anything. my sister has/had guppies. we bought like 10 of them and right away a whole bunch died, about two years ago all but 2 of them died, now the two that are left are 8 human years old. and you dont... who cares.  

  2. The most obvious start would be a water change.  If ammonia or nitrite levels have spiked (which I would recommend testing), a water change will be the best remedy.  Diseases would almost always be accompanied by other symptoms, and would take considerable amounts of time to kill the fish.  At this point, making sure the water is clean (0 ppm ammonia and nitrite, less than 20 ppm nitrate) is the best you can do.
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