
My guppy had a long stringy white thing hanging from his bum. Is it a parasite???

by  |  earlier

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This morning I saw it come out with his p**p. Is this a parasite??? Now that it is gone do I still have to treat it? Can my other fish get it?? What else could it have been?




  1. If it's an internal parasite, it's possible your other fish may have it, and even if they don't, you have to treat the whole tank anyway.

    Go to a tropical fish store, it's possible that some local petstores may sell it, and buy medicated food immediatly.

    If you have another tank, set up a hospital tank, and look for signs in the other fish to see if they may have internal parasite.

    Also, do some research online- You may find a better answer.

  2. It sounds like a case of intestinal worms... There aren't really any symptoms (i mean a noticebale change in behaviour) Apart from the worm protuding from a fish's a**s. If it's bad case your fish will be really emaciated or will be extremley bloated.

    This may sound a bit stupid, but alot of fish can have this parasite and it will go unnoticed because the parasite cannot usually stay alive in aquarium conditions so people dont always believe in treating it... but of course there are exceptons.

    Use a treatment with an antihelmintic medication to sort it out, just in case and after that treatment use a general tonic, because your fish may have a weakened immune systems and be more susceptible to disease... Good Luck xxxxxxx

    Yes, you can treat the tank with a pregnant fish... the babies will be vulnerable and most susceptible to diseases and and parasites.

    Yes you can treat the tank whilst it is still cycling, but remove an active carbon filter if you have one and replace with another type, because that can counteract the treatment...


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