
My guppy is pregnant but the thing that suppose to be black isnt its kind of but its pink and she big help.

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My guppy is pregnant but the thing that suppose to be black isnt its kind of but its pink and she big help.




  1. That's a so called gravid spot

    and it's not written in stone that the gravid spot hast to be black

    your guppy is absolutely fine nothing to worry about

  2. Ur guppy is pregnant but dont worry when a guppy is in its first stage of pregnancy her gravid spot colour always changes with time. It is pink because ur guppy is devoloping some frys inside, the fry formation is the cause of the pink colour. Within days ur guppy will again lose its pink colour and it will change to brown than black.

    PS: Dont worry about ur guppy it is just fine and dont try to stress her or she will abort her pregnancy.

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