
My guy Best Friend sent me this cRzAY text>>>???

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Have a guy friend that lives 90 mins away from me, known each other for 5 years or so, we consider each other best friends. We visit with each other every once in a while. We talk all the time, and are very real with each other. A long time ago we had an adult convo about if we'd ever work out as a couple. Not a good match, never revisited again. We've seen each other through some pretty rough stuff, breakups, new gf new bf, always still close etc. even told his last girlfriend if they got hitched I'd have to be his "Best Man" - period.

He came up recently and we were at a picnic with a handful of frends. I pulled out pics of a classy semi formal party I attended. I was dressed to the nines and had a very form fitting yet classy dress on. I workout constantly so I have a decent figure. No biggie. Everyone commented and moved on. That was weeks ago.

He sent me a txt last nite that read:

'I'm going to be real w/ u, ever since I saw pics of u at that party

I've been wanting to give it to u hard'

He was serious too. All jokes aside. Ummmmmmm... I'm not attracted to him, he is good looking but I DO NOT feel him like that.

What do you do/say in a situation like that??? HELLO?!!!

I'm slightly weirded out - and slightly flattered - but mostly weirded out.




  1. Well if you are g*y, see what's up!

  2. If you're not comfortable with it and you don't really feel that way,

    don't think its necessary to do what he wants just because he's like your best friend and he gave you a flattering comment.

    If you don't want to, just reply, "No, we're just friends and I've never thought of you that way."

    Maybe an additional, "Let's not bring this kind of conversation up again because it makes me feel awkward."

  3. Let it pass.  He might of wanted to but friendship is so much more important than another b/f.

  4. You should focus on the slightly flattered side.  He's just being honest.

    Now that it's out in the open, your friendship might not survive, especially when you're both involved with other people.

  5. Danny, thanks for your compliment.  But, we've had this conversation in the past.  Just because you think I looked hot in those pictures does not change the fact that we are FRIENDS.  Not friends with "benefits".  We both know this is not the right road for us to take.

    I want to always be your friend, so please do not bring this up again.

  6. tell him how you feel.......don't lead him on.........tell him you want to stay freinds and nothing else

  7. Sometimes you can say a lot by not saying anything at all. I think this is one of those situations.  I would say to not respond to his text, and if he confronts you about it (which he probably wouldn't) tell him "honestly, what do you expect me to say to that?"  Especially a test message, that's a little "booty call" if you ask me.  If he's your good friend, then I say don't worry about it, if it seems to come up or cause awkwardness, talk about it bluntly and get over it.  Otherwise, I think a good thing to do would be to joke about it in some way, as that might alleviate the awkwardness/embarrasment he/you feels about the situation.

  8. Tsk, tsk, tsk.  You try to be friends with guys, but in the end we're all horny pigs.

  9. Just laugh it off.  You said you are real with each other---no holds barred---he told you and you laughed.  Non-issue.

  10. The same thing happened to me and.. at a much younger age like (14) and it was about her butt. She was just flattered and took it. but we've always been bffs.

  11. Did you text back?

    He might have been drunk (do you think that's a possibility?) in which case he's probably pretty embarrased.

    If you don't reciprocate, then I'd say just let it go by. Probably a moment of weakness and you shouldn't get his hopes up by saying something back.

    If you don't want things to be awkward between you I would just pretend like it never happened. And if he brings it up, just smile and say "what text?" It'll spare his feelings.  

  12. Tell him that you are only interested in him as a platonic friend, and if he can't accept that then maybe you need to end the relationship as it would be to uncomfortable for you.

  13. Talk to him, in person or at least over the phone in real time, so much gets lost in texts and emails!  Let him know you got the text and it weirded you out (he is your best friend, after all).  Friendships as solid as yours sounds to be should be able to get through things like this with open, honest and caring discussions.

  14. Sounds like he saw a chance and went for it.  Not really the best judgement call on his part.  Still, no reason to throw away the relationship because of it.  Just explain to him a sexual relationship would ruin the relationship you have with him (you can't really go back to being friends if the sexual relationship doesn't work out) --  he's your best friend and you want to keep him as your best friend, so it's better not to pursue a romantic/sexual relationship.  If he doesn't "get it" after that, then also explain that you don't have those kinds of feelings for him.  But if you can, try the "want to keep my best friend" tactic first so there's no hurt feelings or awkwardness later on.

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