
My guy friend hasn't been talking to me anymore since he got a new girlfriend. What the heck's going on

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My guy friend hasn't been talking to me anymore since he got a new girlfriend. What the h**l's going on

I like him. I do admit that. He messaged me asking who I was talking about on my profile and status messages on my myspace(like saying 'i love him', forget about him, ect).he sent me a message saying,'

forget bout who is it that ur talking bout?' I asked him why he wanted to know so bad and he only replied with a "cuzzzzzz i doooo" and he changed the subject. He hasn't talked to me ever since. It's been a month and now I just find out he recently that he has a new girlfriend! The thing that really pisses me off is that he isn't talking to me as a friend anymore. Maybe some occasional hi's which barely ever happen, but other than that, NOTHING. Any idea?




  1. Your guy friend probably is just confused.  Maybe he likes you too, and he just wanted you to admit you liked him first.  When he asked you who you were talking about, he might have wanted you to reply with "You." (meaning you like him)  And him having a new girlfriend and not talking to you might mean he's trying to get over you because he doesn't think you like him.  In my opinion, you should try talking to him about it.  Hopefully, everything works out.

  2. cuz maybe his gf is jealous and feels like u ll take him away from her or just cuz he doesnt wana have u as his friend anymore cuz he got a gf!

  3. Either the girl friend knows you like him and said you can't hang out with her or He likes you and he thinks you like someone else .......

  4. That's what happens when people have girlsfriends. The other people in their lives don't have as much priority. Are you jealous? A good friend, would just let him be, and figure he's got a girlfriend, and be mature about it. What makes you think he wants to spend time and im you? Let him have his girlfriend, and leave him alone.

  5. like dat one girl said you need to talk to him bout it cuz he prolly asked you bout it cuz he likes you too who cares bout his gf hate to say you knew him first. I mean if you guys feel more of an attraction than just friends then **** go for it I mean you guys know eachother well enough rit???Same thing was goin on wit me n my old best friend but we agreed we didn't want mess our friendships up but then when I finally found my true love he was pretty pissed of sad 2 say we ended up goin our separate ways either way so our idea didn't even wrk out I mean we talk once in a great while

  6. you have to tell him you like him cuz he might like you and he might think on your profile it was about another guy

    good luch, same thing happend

  7. Tell him you like him.

    If he ignores you he's probably not worth it.

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