
My guy friend is an idiot...?

by  |  earlier

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He has these two girls and he always switches off dating the two of them. And after he breaks up with them, he says "I'll never go out with her again, ugh, she's so mean, blah blah blah blah blah you're my best friend and the only person I care about. I'll always care about you the most blah blah blah." so you see my problem. I try to confront him about it, but he just goes back to his manwhore ways. What do I say to him?




  1. He doesn't know the real meaning of love. Some people go out with others just because it's the fact of going out with somebody. Just ask him why he likes each of the girls. There has to be a deeper reason other than, "She's hot". If not, it's only a superficial relationship where one person will eventually get hurt. As he gets older he'll realize the value of having a person to like him.

  2. If he isn't going to listen to you then there's nothing more you can do. You will have to just let him get hurt the hard way.


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