
My guy is in Army b.t. and almost in blue phase. His b-day is in 3 days. can he call home on his b-day?

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All I wish to know is since he is so close to blue phase with his birthday, can he call home because of it being his birthday?




  1. Generally no, but sometimes people earn privilages such as a call, if he gets that priv. and it just happens to coincide well yeah he'll call but chances of that are almost zero. write him a good birthday letter.

  2. No.

  3. Probably not.  He'll learn soon enough that birthdays and holidays mean nothing when you are in the military.  He'll miss plenty of them that's for sure!

  4. It depends, there are alot of variables in the army, unfortunantly he is there for training and they do not conform to birthdays and other special events.  Best case he can call you, worst case he cant call you and you make sure you wish him well when you talk to him

  5. That simply depends on his DS's. As some people mentioned, he can earn the privelege by acing the APFT or doing an outstanding job at something else. I know our drill sergeants were flexible with the phone for people who had family or financial issues. Whatever you do, don't call him! That happened to a guy in my class, and he totally rued the day his parents made that stupid decision. If you don't talk to him, don't worry, I'm sure he's in good hands. Also, I found that the phases of BCT meant nothing in reality. With BCT, "it is what it is," as my favorite DS used to say. We could make phone calls on Sundays for an hour or two, but it wasn't common.

  6. If he has earned the privilege to.

  7. no.  in fact if he mentions it he can expect birthday presents in the form of extra pushups and other assorted  ways to embarrass him.  

  8. No he's in Training there dipstick

  9. Um... no. Haven't seem mine on a birthday or anniversary in I don't know how long. I think he was here for our daughter's first birthday.... We are lucky with a call.

    Get used to it It's the life we lead.

  10. i don't know, but i sure hope you to had s*x because there's no telling if he's going to get killed in combat or not.

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