
My guy manager cries at work? ?

by  |  earlier

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really! i think it's ridiculous! he also happens to be g*y - but i've also met plenty of g*y guys who are tougher than some heteros i what gives man?! and how do i deal with it when it happens at work? (we work in customer service)




  1. thats awk. lol

    maybe he's depressed

  2. This guy's got issues that are not all work-related.  If you like him, sympathize a little bit, then tell him to get a grip on himself (not literally).  If you don't like him, ignore it as much as you can.  

  3. If you are good friends, speak to him after work.  It's not appropriate or professional to cry.  He needs to quit taking complaints so personally.   Sounds like he has other issues he needs to work on.

    I don't see him being g*y as having anything to do with these outbursts, btw.

  4. That's too funny!  Maybe he should go on Prozac to level off his mood swings

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