
My hair falls really badly?

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my hair falls really badly! its like falling 200-500 strands per day. my hair gets thinner by the day. now even my friends and teachers are asking me about it. i always cry every time i look in the mirror. I'm only 16years old and I'm still young to be bald!

I'm taking multi vitamin tablets every day. and now I'm going through herbal treatment. but its still falling. i think by end of this month i`ll be bald for sure!

last three months i had dengue fever. people say that it`s the side effect of my illness.




  1. wow!!

    hope i reallry help you

    i have got lots

    An apparent increase in hair loss is a very common experience and will normally settle down. Stress is one of the main contributory factors, may this be the case with you, with exams and such like? The fact that your eczema (which is also often stress-related) has also flared up would fit in with this theory.

    From the information you have sent in you are also fairly slim for your height. Being too thin can sometimes cause as many problems as being too fat. If you have been having problems with missing or irregular periods, it would be a good idea to see your GP for a check-


    Remember it's natural to lose up to 100 strands a day (ensure you can see the hair bulb at the end, if you can't-it's a breakage problem). Eat a multi-vitamin. Something high in Vitamin B .

    Eat well: good, nutritious food. Supplement with Vitamin E and Vitamin C.

    dont try to put so many chemicals in it nd go to the solon they can help

    Treatment for hair loss really depends on the cause. If it were stress, then your hair loss should settle down in the end. It certainly doesn't do any harm to take an iron and zinc supplement for a 1-2 month period. Both of these have been linked to poor hair growth.

    Don't forget that we lose upwards of a hundred hairs from our heads every day, so you should expect some hair loss every time you comb or brush your hair.

  2. It very possibly is the side effect of your illness. When people get really sick, it is not uncommon for your hair to fall out.

    I went through a stage when I had really bad dermatitis of the scalp (think dandruff x10), and heaps of my hair fell out, to the point where the only reason why I didn't have great big obvious bald patches was the fact that I had a fringe and parted my hair from the top. After I got this sorted out, my hair stopped falling out, and has gradually mostly grown back. You can hardly tell now that it happened.

    If you're 16, it may be hard for you now, but it's probable that your hair will grow back later. Who knows? Some people who lose lots of hair owing to illness have it grow back differently (straight -> curly or light -> dark etc.)

  3. It is very possible that it is the side effect of your illness.

    In my opinion you should visit a specialist for your hair fall problem.

    In the mean time, go through some of the hair care regimens and some FAQs about hair fall on this site.

    Take care!

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