
My hair has gone really dry because am stressed out and i dont no why ?

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i suffered a eating disorder long time ago and i have bad ibs consaption

what can i take to help my dry dull tried looking hair




  1. You probably didnt get the nutrients when you have the eating disorder, maybe it is wear? ask you salon next time you get it cut.

  2. drink more water trust me it helps alot

  3. eat well, and also, use leave in conditior once a week or something

  4. different stuff happen to people when they are under stress...i always am under stress but i try to be period lasts way to long when i start it like about 3 months or more....that is what happens to me when ia m under stress and i am so sick and tired of it

  5. Try "skin, hair and nails formula" from holland & barrett. It's helped me. Also drink lots of liquids and try a moisturising shampoo.

  6. Put conditioner in it after washing.  

  7. well you could buy some vitamin tablets,ones especially for hair (I no boots do them), use conditioning treatments every time you wash your hair ( bedhead/tigi are the best) Try not to dye your hair (use toners) and try not to straighten often!that's everything i can think of,hope this helps x

  8. First of try olive oil massage.Massage once week deep in the root and put wet hot towel on your head to soak oil inside. You need to start healthy eating because It all comes from inside and also eat lot of green vegetable,fruits and bean for constipation and lots of water.

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