
My hair is falling out and has been since I was about 17 years old.?

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I had noticed my hair thinning at about the age of 17. I didn't think anything of it at the time and I am now wishing I had taken action sooner. I'm now 24 and have to hide the top of my scalp with the hair that is still on my head. It's only getting worse and worse. I have had my thyroid checked twice, every blood test and hormone test you can imagine and still nothing. My grandmother and mom have never had a problem with thinning hair so it is not genetic. Now I noticed it is growing in coarse and extremely curly. It feels like straw and it looks crimped. I don't know what else to do or what else it could be. Any help would be great!!!!!!!




  1. This is surprising for a woman. I'd look at the obvious which is stress. Also, certain vitamins can help along with certain types of gentle shampoos--Bronson Pharmaceuticals makes some cool products. They have a website.

  2. must be on your dad's side.....b/c it is def genetic.  

  3. maybe its because you used too many hair products when you were younger or dyed/bleached it a lot.

    i mean everyone is warned about having their hair fall out but I have never actually heard of it happening

    i am so sorry, that must be terrible, well it seems like you have already gone to the doctors, so all you can do is straighten your hair  

  4. ok this happens to a lot of people if they are stressed out or maybe other reasons but all people loose there hair at some time either slowly or all at once (so it seems). our hair can change texture and color every decade. I have this same problem and my hair went from straight blonde to wavy coarse reddish brown.   The wonderful thing is your hair is growing back (that's awesome!) I wouldn't stress too much I have been combing over for a while and styling my hair around my short new hair...

    this is what I do to help my hair grow back fast-  Nioxen products, prenatal vitamins(or biotin), massage my scalp, and cut my hair often.

    I hope that the things I do can help you- good luck!

  5. Wash the hair and condition it. Get some castor oil and olive oil and mix the both and massage to the scalp and through the hair and don't use no other hair product. However, your scalp can also greatly benefit from regular massage. It stimulates blood flow, which in turn helps feed the hair follicles. Often it helps to prevent and fight avoidable hair loss, and reestablish the natural development of healthy hair. In addition to all this, it is extremely relaxing, calming, and helps relieve headaches and migraines.

  6. Food rich in vitamin A, B, C, E, K, magnesium and zinc are important  for healthy hair and also prevents hair loss. Hair is made up mostly of protein so a protein rich food is also recommended. Check out  for more info.

  7. idk if this will help, but i know my hair tends to shed A LOT when my hair is really long, when i put it up in a pony tail or messy bun or whatever for a while (for example, if i wear my hair up for days or weeks it will begin to break) and if that doesnt help, there are certain shampoos that i have tried to fix this problem myself that help strengthen your hair and repair! i have used certain types of Pantene Pro-v shampoos that repair damaged hair and help to strengthen! these can probably help!! hope this helps you!! =]

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