
My hair is really fryed :( ?

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i bleach it alot and dont tell me to stop because my hair will fall out cuz i know it will but anyways how can i get my hair more "lively" and also i straighten my hair everydayy soo how can i get my hair more lively like wat products i live in ontario btw && im pretty limited to the places i can go ... walmart && real canadain superstore && shoppers.




  1. Your hair isn't going to get healthy, If you dont' stop bleaching, and straightening it. So..Cut it all off, is your best bet, and start over.

  2. honey theres not much you can do SORRY

  3. If you don't layoff the bleaching & straightening all the time, you're hair will never get healthier. If you know there's a day or 2 when you're at home, don't straighten your hair. The less you straighten, the healthier your hair will get. Products won't do anything really. you can buy a spray on conditioner specially made for straighteners & curling irons, but overall, it really won't do much. Try going more natural. Natural beauty is the best kind of beauty. Maybe you should ask yourself why you're doing all this in the first place.

  4. i had the same problem you had but i didn't bleach my hair i would suggest getting the WEN healthy hair care system that what i started using and my hair recovered and now my hair is super healthy!

  5. get it cut.  

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