
My hair is so thin. How can i make it thicker?

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Are there any shampoos or products that can make it thicker and more volumous? i dont care if its something disgusting like my friend said tea makes her hair go shiny. THIN HAIR SUCKS!!!




  1. well if you want your hair to grow in thicker than try using "Nioxin" shamppo and cond. sold at any professional salon or beauty supply. but what also work to make is more voluminous is "Pureology" shampoo and cond. its about $28 a bottle "Nioxin" is cheaper.  

  2. Vitamin E is meant for stimulating the oxygen intake in the body and improves the blood circulation. If there is proper blood circulation, hair growth is enhanced. Vitamin C assists the normal functioning of capillaries that carries the blood to the scalp. Even zinc is an important supplement, which should be consumed as it assists hair growth.

    Biotin is necessary for hair growth. There are many sources of biotin such as brewer's yeast, brown rice, bulgur, green peas, lentils, oats, soybeans, sunflower seeds, and walnuts. It is present in some shampoos, so you can use shampoos, which contain biotin. It is advised to consult a physician before taking any vitamins or medications for hair growth.

  3. Try using a volumizing shampoo and conditioner and blowdrying your hair upside down.

  4. good shampoo

  5. You can use Mane & Tail shampoos you can get them from Walmart and they're only 6 dollars & they really do work.  


    I have thin hair too, and i hate it with a passion.

    Something that has always made my hair

    appear more thick is blow drying it upside down,

    from the roots.

    You could also try a light thickening lotion,

    heavier ones can weigh down your hair.

    Thickening Lotion from Redken works great!

    If it doesnt work the first time, dont think it

    doesnt work, maybe you just used a little much.

    Another good product is Rust thickening shampoo and


    Good luck!

  7. I use ThermaSilk Volumizing Shampoo and Conditioner. Then after I get out of the shower and comb/brush my hair I use their Volumizing Mousse. Just squirt out a small amount in the plam of your hand and rub it into your roots and hair. then blow dry your hair w/ your head upside down.

    Its REALLY easy and simple and you will have volume volume volume! Plus if you have short hair (like me) the mousse helps hold curl when i am curling the ends of my hair in, or flipping it out.

    Finish up with a light mist of Volumizing hair spray (i use Suave Volumizing because its cheap and works) and Volia!

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