
My hair won't stay straight...Help??

by  |  earlier

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Sooo, I straighten my hair properly every morning before I go to school, you know, layer by layer, misting with protection spray, all that jazz.

Well, around second period, my hair gets all flippy and poofy in all the wrong places. I hairspray it, too.

My hair is thick (( but I get it thinned )) and it's layered. Why won't it stay straight? All the other girls at school have stick-straight hair like I want...

Help? Are there any products or techniques you use? D:




  1. it might be your straightener. what kind do you have?

    maybe also a straightening serum

  2. i have the same problem i would just try to find a style that you can have your hair be curly

  3. well, some girls have hair that is naturally curly which often makes it harder to straighten

    you can try going to a salon and straight perm it

    my friend does that and her hair was completty straight after she permed it curly

    also I have straight hair and i want mine wavy, :P so im the opposite of you :D

  4. I have thick hair that's layered and when I straighten my hair it stays straight.  I use a product by TIGI Bed Head called After Party.  I usually apply it when my hair is wet, blow dry my hair, and then straighten it.  I have a really good straightener by gold n hot that works well.  You should check out the products by TIGI they work great!!

  5. that used to happen to me a lot, so i bought a  professional straightening iron---> It's CHI brand and it keeps my hair looking perfect until the next day. They're a little expensive, but they're also really good, litterally! it heats up in 30 seconds.

  6. What kind of flat iron do you use? That might make a difference in determining whether your hair will stay straight ot not. Ceramic flat irons do a really good job. If you do need/want to purchase a new one, you can check out the website:

    They have usually offer them at a little bit lower cost, and there's also user ratings, so you can figure out which one would be best for you.

    I've also seen products that are supposed to help keep hair straight [shampoo and sprays]; I personally haven't used them, so I don't know if they work or not.

    And if you want to make it a little more long term [but I hear it's pretty pricey], I believe there are hairstyle processes you can get done [like chemically straightening your hair].

    Good luck!

  7. the straightner is probably not hot enuff. higher the temperature

  8. Never get a hair straightening done in a hurry. Remember, the hair straightening is a time-consuming process, and needs to be done in a relaxed manner. Straighten a small section of hair at a time, as this will really be effective at a later stage.

    You must use a good quality hair iron as old hair irons may not give you adequate results, and thus the straightening may not last for a long time.

    If possible, avoid hair straightening during unfavorable weather conditions such as rain, winds or humidity. It will help you to maintain your style for a longer period.

    Adverse weather conditions are bad for your hair and you will find it difficult to maintain your style.

    Do not shampoo your hair frequently.

    Avoid excessive heat applications on your hair to prevent damage.

    Dry your hair by using soft towel, or by using hair dryer. Otherwise, you must blow dry your hair before going for hair straightening. Wet hair is very delicate and may also break easily.

    After hair straightening is done, you must apply hair spray to keep the hair straight for a long time.

    Once the hair straightening is done by using hair iron, you can apply straightening serum or a heat protecting spray. This will help you keep your hair straight anywhere between two to four days. After washing your hair, you may need to repeat the same process.

    You must not brush your hair too regularly, as this would make your hair greasy.

    Buy the shampoos and conditioner meant for getting straight hair.

    While drying wet hair, avoid drying it upwards as this adds to excess volume.

    Avoid tying your hair for a loner duration, as this would create a twist, which would destroy the straight look.

  9. That happens often with me too.

    I have thick hair and very curly.

    when I see that they start frizzing I honestly pit it in a bun for a bit, then undo it..

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