
My hambster is pregnant, help!!?

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okay: this friday i noticed that my female hambster named blondie had been getting bigger and bigger, so i started to worry, and took her to PETCO. where i had bought her. so, yes, she is so big and round it looks like she is getting ready to pop! heres a picture of her: now can any of you tell me when it looks like she will have a baby. please i need to know!HELP! because this determines wheather i go on vacation or not. HELPHELPHELP~~~~~~~~ BEST ANSWER WILL BE REWARDED 10 POINTS!




  1. The gestation period for dwarf hamsters is 18-21 days from the mating day and for syrians is 16-18 days.

    It is very difficult to tell if a hamster is pregnant. The reason being her size won't increase until the last 4 days before delivery. Some clues include when she may be building a bigger nest, hoarding a lot of food in the nest, will eat and drink water more than usual and sleep a lot more if she is pregnant. In the last 4 days before delivery, she will look big in the belly and teats would be prominent.

    If you are sure that she is looking really big in her belly and her nipples are big too, then her delivery is not a long way off, just another 3-4 days away.

    However just make sure you are not confusing between a pregnant hamster and a fat hamster since many hamsters tend to put on a lot of weight in their new home due to the good care and pet owners get confused thinking they might be pregnant.

  2. what picture?

  3. Don't worry, although my hamster hasn't had babies before I still do a lot of research about that kind of stuff. It is best to take her to the vet, or if you don't have enough money, just keep a close eye on her. If she is pregnant she'll start making a nest for her pups around a week or couple days before the birth. Good luck with the birth, I hope all goes well!

  4. where is the picture.... i can't tell you anything unless i can see.  from what i can see there is no hamster at all... lol...

  5. don't worry unless blonde's mate eats the babies 0_0 you can give them to petco. just watch her closly and you can look up info on google

  6. yep she's prbly about to pop so you need to get the male hamster out before their because if you or the male hamster aggravate her after the babies are born she'll eat them so fix her cage up nice and just leave her alone to have the baies and nurture them till their a couple weeks

  7. Well a hamsters gestation period is 16 to 21 days. I dunno what breed. If syrian 16 to 18, dwarf 18 to 21 days. Well if she has been presence with a male then she probably is. Just act like she is preggo. Give her veggies, boiled egg whites, bread soaked in milk. Hopes this helps

  8. well you can still go on vacation. you can not touch or move the babies or cage for 2 weeks, dont even clean the cage. just make sure she has some food and water. the mother will look after the babies for 4 weeks until weened.

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