
My hamster, what's wrong...?

by  |  earlier

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She is a dwarf robo hamster... she seems very healthy and everything, but lately, I have noticed that I can see her skin. It's visible on her upper back, but the fur is not patchy. She does like to slide down her tubes, could this caase fur to be rubbed off?




  1. dont worry thats normal because well hamsters shed you know they drop fur. its part of of nature. like one tim when my dog was throwing up it was normal because every time she threw up all of the dirty things in her stomach got out and she was well. if you have anymore trouble of your hamster email me my email i will give you more info about it

  2. She could be experiencing hair loss. Hair loss is very common in hamsters especially around 1 1/2 to 2 years old. They start losing it around the the neck and head area. It could be that your hamsters hair is just thinning right now, but if she starts losing it then its just natural.

    If your hamster is young on the other hand then maybe its being torn out by the tubes or a wheel she uses. I doubt that its mites because usually they start scratching and biting around the lower waist area if theres mites, and you'd be seeing a huge ammount of hair loss. But dont worry, I highly doubt its mites. She might just be losing it from it being torn out a little by the tubes or a wheel. Or its just natural hair loss.

  3. Your hamster shouldn't be missing fur anywhere.  It could have mites.  My guinea pig had them and she was missing fur on her lower back - because she kept scratching there.  Watch to see if your hamster is itching itself a lot - if so take her to the vet and get her some medication.

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