
My hamster's foot is broken..Help please!

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I have a small Syrian hamster who has recently given birth, last night her foot got stuck between the bars. it's swollen and red now and has turned the other way round, please help, I spoke to a vet on the phone and he said there isn't much to do with a hamster's broken foot because it's so delicate, is this true? what will happen to my little hammie? :((




  1. Many vets are different. Maybe the one you called doesn't really specialize in helping small animals. Try looking for a vet that treats small animals. Maybe there is one that may try to help you, you never know..

    Good luck. (:

    Hope your hammie gets its foot fixed or something D:

  2. oh man, thats rough. take it to any vet in the area. for some reason hamsters are considered " exotic" and cant be treated. I'm sorry if they cant do anything about Hammie. I hope you dont lose him. if you do, you have my sympathy. :(  

  3. try bringing it to a special vet that treats small hamsters i know iv got one in my area

  4. omg!! how sad how did that happen.. its going to die.

  5. take it to a vet

  6. dont worry its not for sure it will die but oh gawd thats not good u could try taking to a emergency vet or just leave it alone dont pick it up im sorry im not much help either

  7. It's true, it's like when a human breaks their ribs or even their nose- there's not much you can do about it. If you bandage it, they'll bite it off- plus, they don't have tiny hamster bandages for that reason; they won't last five seconds. You can't cast it, because it's too heavy. There's no suitable pain relief for that sort of injury. I mean, you spoke to a vet and told you that- they're going to laugh in your face if you take her to a vet after they've told you there's nothing that they can do.

    All you can do is mointer it and make sure it doesn't become an open fracture or get to the point where she's so much in pain that she has to be put to sleep.

  8. It might not be broken! So take her to the Vet

    Because it might of stepped on something and then got it caught... You don't know, just take her to the Vet, and If they say its broken They might be able to save her...

    and If They can't I am so sorry!!!!!!

  9. Aw, I'm really sorry! I hope her leg doesn't get any worse.

  10. This isn't going to be pleasant, but here was my experience when my hamster broke *both* his back feet.

    He was dragging himself around, and so I took him to the vet.

    She injected something in him.. not sure what.. but after a few days, he was completely and utterly fine again.

    Until to my mistake, I didn't remove the top platforms, and so he had broken his back feet again.

    He died an early age of two years, with his back feet still broken..

    So yes.

    I'd advise either going to another vet (Because the more opinions you have, the better) or just leaving her to it.

    My hamster wasn't in pain, but was finding everyday things like eating, a bit tiring. That was all =]

  11. Take him to a different vet, they might bandage it.

  12. -Take him to an exotics vet. Depending on the severity of the break, the vet might wrap it up, perhaps with a splint, or have to do surgery, or simply give pain medication (meloxicam and carprofen are used) and tell you to keep him from excessive activity. You should then take everything out of his cage that he can climb on, and give him soft bedding to burrow in so he doesn't go crazy from boredom, until the leg heals.

    *Also, if you have a wire wheel, either replace it with a plastic wheel with a solid running surface, or cover the outside of the wheel with cardboard to provide a solid surface. Wire wheels are known to cause breaks.


    Be sure to isolate him from any other hamsters and keep his food and water supply fresh  

    *Now if you want to try something yourself try Take one table spoon of salt, half a table spoon of turmeric powder (this is a yellow powder used in asian cuisine) add half a cup water and heat it gently on low fire, when the mixture thickens take an old peice of rag or bandage clothe and mix with the rest of the mixture. when it is luke warm wrap this rag round the broken leg with a little pressure. this bandage will dry quickly because of the salt in it. Leave it for 2-3 days or until the hamster starts walking without any difficulty. You can also wet the bandage twice daily with the rest of the mixture after heating it again to make it a liquid form. I tired this on a broken leg of a one month old chick and it worked.

    I hope this helps

  13. maybe take him to an emergency vet( or just a normal but not your vet) and see if they'll do anything for him, they might bandange him up so it can try to heal up by itself so you might want to do that so your hamster doesn't strain his foot and make it worse

    i hope your hamster gets better:)

  14. Dont take it to a vet, thats dumb and a waste of money. Ill tell you why, the guy above me stated that its pointless because of different reasons, hes right. And deserves the best answer. ok, but, hampsters are small and what not. SO, give him some time to heal up, maybe a week. most importantly....TAKE OUT THE DARN WHEEL...the more hammie uses the whel or any kindof exercise stuff, the longer it will take to hesal, plus, it could heal, for a week, juts rest and plenty ofwater. also, a calcium tablet, bought at any petco or pet mart. also, food high in protein...invest in these things, and you will b fine. hope hammie helas alright, e mail me for more in depth.....

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