
My hamster's had babies, but died... Anyone know why?

by  |  earlier

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Lets get this straight.

I Have two hamsters, one boy one girl, and finally they have had babies! But, unfortunately, have died... Sad, i know, but as soon as we (my family) had found out our hamsters had given birth and found the babies, we discovered that they looked as if they were dead. We left it a day, making sure that they were wrapped up warm to see if they were actually alive.

The next day we check up on them, and they had not moved all night or day. There was only one thing to do, get rid of them, and we did so.

Anyway, I'm informing you about this because i was wondering why the babies could of died, and i just couldn't get my head around it. That's why I'm asking you guys ( girls and boys).

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  1. well they probably were sick you should have let the parents handle the babies or did you touch them because you are not suppose to touch new born rodents you have to wait a week or so to be able to touch them

  2. Your hamsters probably had some disease and spread it.  Or the babies just didn't make it.  It happens sometimes.

    Sorry if I was not much help!:(

  3. idk what to do. ill try to find out as soon as i can!!

  4. There's no way of knowing. They could have just been unhealthy. Next time when you notice your female hamster is getting a little plump(pregnant) read up for an hour or two about how to care for newborn hammies. Sorry bout that. Good Luck!!! :)

  5. I think your hamster's babies eat your hamster

  6. There are many reasons why babies die. Stress from the mother so she eats them, stress from the environment, suffication from the mother, lack of attention from the mother, etc. The chances of babies surviving without begin eaten or any complications are very hard to come by in my experience and from the looks of others. Just try again and see what happens. Hamsters get pregnant a whole bunch. I lost a whole group of baby hamsters from a cat so I kind of know what you're going through. Good luck, and just keep trying. Eventually it will happen.

    P.S. We got out baby hamsters to finally survive by putting them in a dark place where no noise or light could come in after we figured out she was pregnant. They survived until the cat found them though.

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