
My hamster's missing!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ive been searching for him for almost and hour. i have tried some things like getting a box he cant escape from and putting books up the side with food on each one and then a pile of food in the box. WHAT DO I DO??????!!!! please help me find him!




  1. Sorry haven't seen him..

  2. don't close the doors, he might be in another room! He might be under a couch or behind a table. When my rabbit goes under my bed, sometimes I have to ignore her and she'll come out. Or, I get out my scarf (believe me, It works) and put it in view. She chases it! Try putting a scarf in various places (if ignoring him won't work) untill you see him/her emerge!

  3. This may sound like a troll answer, but get a cat.  Keep it on a leash, but put it down in the room.  The cat's ears are much more sensitive than yours, and if she hears your hamster she will probably be staring pretty hard in the direction your hamster is hiding.  When I was a kid I lost my gerbil, and my mom told me to take our cat Sam up to help me.  After I took him with me I found the gerbil in no time.  Just remember how fast cats are and be careful not to let your cat get close enough to pounce!

    If you don't have a cat already, then maybe you could get a humane trap.  Bait it with some of your hamster's favorite strong smelling food and just wait.  He'll get locked in the little cube.  Good luck!

  4. if u have a fire place vent check in it my old hamster always went down there and also check under large objects like a couch or under the stove and if you have a cat then were its sitting the hamster might be near like if hes under the couch your cat might be sitting at the edge of the couch. don't vacuum and keep all doors shut but leave the cage door open in case it goes back to the cage. AND DON'T PANIC!!!

    Good Luck :)

  5. dont have any doors open and look under anything it can crawl under!!!!!

  6. I'd call it's name...but that won't really work..........mine kind of came from the grass to my mom.......but keep on putting food out. close each room's door, and put food in each room. Whichever room has food taken from it, search that room. Check in closets, under things, and look in every nook and cranny! Good luck!!

  7. close all the doors that lead to room and to the outside. start with one room and keep looking for her room at a time. check closets if they were open. Dont wait start looking room by room now. if you have a pile of stuff gently take peice by piece off of it. when my 1st hamster went missing i found her in my closet. idk if that helps!i would help you if i can. good luck!


    good luck!:~D

  8. what you have to do is look threw any piles of clothes that may be lying around. Also put a trail of food around leading to the cage so maybe it will smell the food and you will spot him

  9. Close a door that leads to the outside. Hopefully you don't have another pet that might have eaten it! Take a hamster traeat and put around somewhere that you could easily exam. And when you see it eating a treat quicly pick it up.

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