
My hamster bites me, what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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I am trying to get my hamster onto my hand, and it did crawl onto my hand! It was exciting but then it sniffed around my thumb, then bit it! It only hurt a little bit but why would it bite me? I decided to wash my hands thinking there was a scent on them but it nearly bit me again! What will I do?




  1. Ok. First, you shouldn't have the scent of food when you play with your hamie. Second, you have to handle your hamie a lots to get it to trust you, and love you. You can hand feed it, and play with it a lot to tame your hamie. Good luck! Give lots of TLC!

  2. Hold your fingers very close together.Your hamster probably thinks it's food if you were sticking your thumb out. Also if you just got a hamster, he/she is still getting used to you and it's new environment. Keep on washing your hands before handling your hamster though! Be sure to use unscented soap because the ham could be biting you because of the smell.

    Good luck!

  3. Ok reasons hamster bite

    smell food


    not use to your scent

    let the ham get use to you sit in your tub oh wash the tub very well well anyway sit in the tub with your hamster let the hamster wonder around you let him/her get used to you and speak to your hamster so they can get used to your voice and try hand feeding it some treats like apple and while he/she eating pet her, it will like going on your hand because the hamster will know your its friend so be patient it will pay off hope this helps

  4. dont worry.. is he/she new?  ..hamsters are mainly blind and of course they cant see anything that has been told at the petstores and in hamster books that biting and nibbling is a way for hamsters to "see" may start out as a bite but once he/she gets to know you it may start to nibble untill she trusts you and know you wont hurt her/him.. hope this helps some good luck ;

  5. dont worry, it didnt bite you because it doesnt like you, its just they have poor eyesite close up, so it probably mistook it for a peice of food.

    i got a new hamster yesterday, and it is tame already, make your hand into a fist, and slowly put it towards your hamster for it to smell, the reason to put it in a fist shape is because if you use your fingers then you are more likely to get nipped, then gradually pick it up gently, and make your movements slow, you must be confident, otherwise the hamster is in danger.

    dont worry, you sound like you are doing very well, you will progress as your hamster settles in more :)

    good luck! xxxxxxxxxx

  6. train it not to to bit you. Its probably just scared.

  7. well don't get the hamster out if it smells like food it will bite but try gentely flicking its nose or grabbing it by it's scruff it used to it beacuse their mothers carry them like that just give it some time to get used to your scent.

  8. You just have to train it to not bite. You just let it get used to u it might mean something, like it is ready to go back inside her cage or something else.

  9. a hamster is a natruly timmid animal so be patent start by putting food in ur hand and let it take it from you a hamster dusnot no rigt from wrong so if it bites telling it off will make it worse dont make sudden movments and was ur hands befor tuching it becoz even a faint smell of food will give it reson to bite

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