
My hamster dont seem right heellpp ??

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my hamster doesn't seem right hes only 22 weeks old ! Its a male dawf and i don't know what is wrong with him, his male balls have swollen up and is fur is damp and spikey, i noticed this yesterday. What could be wrong ???




  1. did you try seeing a could be really helpful

  2. Not sure. All i can tell you is that used to have a hamster that had ridiculously huge balls. Maybe the sticky fur is just he's rolled in something?

  3. He could be longing for a mate. The swollen balls could mean that he wants to do it.

    The spikey could be that his glands- (the glands give off a scent that attracts females). -are making more scent stuff than usual.

    Get him checked out by a vet thogh.

  4. i don't know

  5. ive had a lot of male hamsters and they all have huge balls.if a hamster is in the corner sleeping all  day under woodchips , or  if you have habitrail and he sleeps in some sort of house, the dampness is likely sweat.rusty used to sleep up in his tower all day, when he came down hed be soaked and smell like urine. i had to take it away from him due to poor hygeine.

  6. he should be fine...usually their balls swell up and they get a bit sweaty if they're make sure that it isn't too hot in the room for him...

    if he seems in distress though eg. not eating, drinking, or not active...take him to the vet

    but it sounds as if he's ok though

    good luck :)

  7. At that age he will be going through puberty, so the 'male balls' bit is 100 % normal. The wet spiky fur could be from a leaky water bottle, falling in a water bowl, or undergrooming. I'd leave him be unless there was additional issues, for example, lethargy, ott scratching, disturbed balance, or unusual pellets. If you notice any of those things or anything else that worries you, get him to the vet asap!

  8. he could be gettin sick and he will soon die. my hamsters lived for three years then my other only lived for 2 months so it depends on the hamsters and hoe they were treated in the store but try some differrent food or take to a vet idk

    good luck.

  9. The damp fur could be just your hamster l*****g itself to keep clean and so when it gets wet the fur sticks together and gets spikey-ish. Haven't heard about the swollen balls though.

    Have you tried consulting the internet?

    Hmmm... Google: hamster swollen balls :S

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