
My hamster has a wet butt?

by Guest59466  |  earlier

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When I checked on my hamster last night I noticed that her butt looked wet. I checked on her again this morning and her butt still looks wet. A friend of mine told me that if she had wet tail there would be a Strong odor. I don't notice any odor and she seems to be acting normal. Why is her butt wet?




  1. hi

    ive been reading my hamster book to find out

    realy sorry but

    thare is a 80% she will die.

    beacause if thare is wet all her swet and evrything is coming out to drain her body.

    hope this helps

  2. She might be pregnant.

  3. if the wet tail is starting it doesnt need to have a strong odor, lots of the meds that petsores sell dont really work i would take her to a vet, sorry to say but this can get her very sick, in the mean time dont give her any veggies and give her some oats with her seeds this will help but not cure her. good luck

  4. My Guinea Pig used to get pee on his bottom too,   Also if the bedding is kept clean and dry all the time you will notice his bottom will be dryer.  Keep bedding clean so when he pees it will be absorbed right  a way. GOOD LUCK!  

  5. oh boy it might be a wet tail go to your vet immediatly!

  6. absolutely simple....

    your hamster was either...

    peed on it's fury ***....

    or just clumsy and goes in the water bowl alot...

    DON'T WORRY! it's fine...

    looking for best answer....thanks!

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