
My hamster has to live outside and there are cats at my house where can i out it so they cant get to it?

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My hamster has to live outside and there are cats at my house where can i out it so they cant get to it?




  1. Hamsters can't live outside it will kill them.  Either the summer heat or the winter freeze will kill them.

    Cats can get almost any where they want to so I don't know what to tell you on that one.

    It is best you keep them in the house.

  2. You definitely need to get your hamster inside right now, it is VERY dangerous for a hamster to live outside! It will surely die if you keep it out there.

  3. You shouldn't keep the hamster outside, the temperature variations would be stressful to it.  Plus it is in danger of getting preyed on by other animals if left outside.  So you need to find a place inside.  Just keep the door shut where the hamster is kept.  I wouldn't do a really high shelf though because if it escapes it could fall to it's death.  I had a friend who's hamster was up high and commited suicide.  :P

  4. NOOOOO!! hamsters arent tough enough to live outside. if you cant keep him in, please find someone else to take him!!

  5. you could put in on top of a bookshelf or countertop,  but the cat probably won't be able to get in the cage. (DEPENDING WHAT KIND OF CAGE) but you might just want to keep a close watch on the hamster. :) ~natalie

  6. Why does your hamster have to live outside? I think that's a VERY bad idea. You should not have a hamster if you're going to make it live outside. They're prey animals and you have more than just cats to worry about. Not to mention temperature fluctuations outside.

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