
My hamster has yellow,long,crooked teeth and i cant pay for a vet?

by Guest60918  |  earlier

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i bought him like this and im not sure what to do.

thankies to all the hammy owners out there!!!




  1. Get him something to chew on. Like wooden hamster/rodent toy. Their teeth never stop growing, so they always have to grind and chew on something to keep them short.

    Don't cut the teeth yourself though!


  2. Some sort of wood chips or something. Wood Blocks. You don't need a vet.

    Oh and Queenie Z don't be mean. At least she is taking action and asking questions. This is for advice, not for telling people they are bad pet owners.

  3. normal as long as he is eating well give chewing things

  4. Buy him/her a good nature ball. It grinds there teeth down, and reduces bitting.

  5. Let him chew chew chew! They'll wear down gradually :]

  6. ok, hamsters are supposed to have long yellow teeth. its a sign of heath. if you think they are too long and he can't eat right, try getting a salt wheel, he may use that and it will give him any nutrients he's missing. if he doesn't use it, he doesn't need it. don't worry about it too much.

    you can get these at pet stores or even Wal*Mart. they are usually two per package around $3.

    oh, and above me, ignore!!! that was totally uncalled for. im pretty sure she'll get to know the rules and how to not be an answers goodie two shoes without the staff badge.

  7. Well the yellow part of his teeth is natural,and so is the crooked part, BUT the long part is bad.Hamsters teeth grow all the time thats whyu they chew on their cages so much. Hamster need to chew on something all the time like wood or evan legos!! If a hamster's teeth keep growing they will evantually grow into your hamster's top or botton gums and that is when you NEED TO GO TO THE VET!! Just give your hamster some wood if your hamster's teeth are long but could be gnawed off BUT if your hamster's teeth are in his gums you NEED TO GO TO THE VET ASAP!!! I'm sorry about how you don't have money for the vet but try to get a little job or maybe sell some of your old things. And you can try to smooch off of your parents. I'm sure there not cruel enough to see a hamster be in pain and not being able to eat. I hope everything works out for you and your little hammy. :)

  8. Rodents have yellow/orange teeth naturally. If they are long provide something to chew, but normally its just a human reaction to what their teeth normally look like.

  9. the yellow part is great, unlike us theire teeth is attached to there jaw. yellow/orange teeth means they have good blood flow and calcium. when ther brown or white is when its time to worry. the crooked teeth is natural. when there teeth get so long there mouth cant close the teeth bend to fit. just give him some untreated wood and chew toys to file down his teeth. his teeth will shorten and straighten up. you did the right thing to worry about you pet, most people do nothing until it becomes severe and irreversible. I applaud you for caring about you pet.

  10. If you KNEW that you would not be able to properly care for a hamster why did you buy one? This really aggravates me. What if your hammy gets very ill in the future and he needs to see a vet? Did you ever think about that? People should really consider these things BEFORE taking on the responsibilty of owning a pet! You bought the hamster, you also bought all the responsibily that comes along with him!

  11. This may sound weird, but hamster teeth are supposed to be yellow. =]] The more yellow the teeth are, the healthier your hamster is.

    To cut down their teeth, give your hamster some food blocks, dog bones, or crackers to chew on. You don't have to take your lil' baby to the vet.

    I know there are some people who rude, but you are being responsible by coming here and asking people and by being worried. =))

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