
My hamster is bald around the a**s.?

by  |  earlier

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The bald patch is about the size of a small coin and the patch is pink and seems protruding. It may be that he is bald there and that is why it seems protruding, don't know. And he seems to walk with his body very close to the ground and maybe he is dragging his bum along the floor, that's why its bald. Any hamster experts out there who knows if my hamster is minor or major sick.




  1. OF course it's bald! All hamsters are bald on their butts. That's there butt. They are kinda like monkeys cuz monkeys have red butts. Lol. Oh no, when hamsters walk in free space, they look like they are dragging their selves. But actually they crouch when they walk to either run really fast or really slowly to check out if there are any predators around. And yes, i am a hamster expert. Although i'm not a vet. I have 1 year experience with my hamster and i have read LOTS (you better get the LOTS in my sentence) about hamsters. Your hamster is definatly NOT sick. MY hamster is just like yours. Everything. You hamster sounds liek mine! And yes, mine is a boy.

    Hope t his helps. If you really think there's a problem go to the vet. =]

  2. hamster butt bald lol by hamster is not like dat but it does crouch and run fast and also if he doesn't like he bites u or thinking ur hurting him by the way i think is nothing just go to google and type hamster bald butt or hamster butt bald and they will tell u  

  3. This doesn't answer your question at all, but why are you looking at your hamsters a**s?

  4. he either has a blockage or a bad case of wet tail. take him to the vet if he doesn't get better in a couple of days.

  5. my boy hamster has that too and he's fine! i think ur hamster will be ok.

    Good luck!

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