
My hamster is being mean?

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ok i got my hamster a year ago.. when i held her at the store she was a sweet heart!!! but now she a jerk she bites me and herts!! i tryed gloves, giveing her treats, talking to her, takeing her out daily, EVERY THING!!!! can you help me!! THAK U SOOOO MUCHH!!!




  1. the best thing to do is call a vet and ask her/him why your hamster is doing this

  2. For one, DO NOT use gloves, hamsters are terrified of them.

    I usually have the same problem after I hold the hamster for more than they want to be held.  

    Maybe you're disturbing her sleep cycle.  If you are taking her out during the day when she's trying to sleep then that could very well be the problem.  Since hamsters are active at night, try taking her out when she gets up...allow her ample time to go use the restroom in the corner of her cage, then offer her a treat, if she comes willingly into your hand, then take her out.  If she doesn't come willingly, then do not try to hold her.  Give her the treat and close her cage.  Do this several days without EXPECTING to hold her...then maybe she'll give in and allow you to hold her.

    My female hamster that rarely bites me, sometimes bites during her estrous cycle.  She becomes quite cranky sometimes and I've learned to leave her alone.  

    I'd try offering her a treat without expecting anything in return for a few days and see if after a few days she'll let you hold her.  Don't push your wishes on her, and maybe she won't bite you.  

    Sounds like you have a stubborn hamster on your hands...this too can be fixed.  Just have patience with her.  

    Good luck...if you need anymore me at

  3. Susan C knows what she is talking about... we have 2 hamsters and when one of ours began fighting and biting we had to seperate them into two different cages.

    Good luck with your hamster she is still a sweet heart

  4. You need to write the head of Yahoo! Answers, and ask to trade with the hamster on the front page.

  5. most hamsters are bratty little things that bite.  She was probally to nervous in the pet store to bite. Most hamsters aren't very nice.

  6. She probably has hamster Torettes syndrome but because she can't talk and tell you what she really think's, she is bitting at you! Take a clue, she don't like you!

  7. Get rid of her, break off your relationship and find another hamster to have a relationship with

  8. Hamsters are easily agitated, females more so then males. She might be wary and feel she has to protect herself too. Try offering her treats until you can tell she isn't scared of you anymore. Then she should climb into your hand, and eventually let you pick her up.

    If she does NOT come into your hand on her own, get her to walk into a toilet paper tube and just shake her out.


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