
My hamster is losing hair?

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Its a golden hamster, But idk if shes losing hair because I need to clean the cage, Mange, or just old age?....My last hamster had done the same thing....But with my hamster cage, Its a huge wheel, and she likes to sleep and stay in it, and everytime I clean all the shavings out of it, she just puts It right back in....Shes mostly losing hair where her tail is, to the left and right...This is the exact same cage she has, and she loves to lay in the wheel:




  1. i think its just old age my other 3 hamsters lost hair because they were old. but if you are still concerned take her to the vet even though that they would stay just old age and having to pay alot just here that from a vet.

  2. It could just be were she is rubbing her sent glands on the cage and it has fallen out abit like my girl cloe. but it could just be stress old age but the best thing for the hamster is to get it lok at!!!

  3. Hamsters often lose hair when they get older, but in your case, it might be because of stress. Do you have any new animals (dogs, cats etc.) or loud speakers that might frighten the hamster? If so, keep her as far away from those things as possible and see if it makes a difference.

    PS. One of my Syrian's lays on his tummy a lot too (when he gets tired) and mostly in his wheel. Like he's resting.


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