
My hamster is not moving much. this happend after I stunned her. what should I do? Is she alright?

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first I dropped my hamster on the floor and I stunned her and the next day she is barly moving, mosly she is real active and sweet. is it because I didnt feed her all she needed? what should I do to make her live!? she is a dwarf hamster.




  1. awww take her to the vet she may be terribly ill

  2. Take her to the vet, she may have to be put down, I'm so Sorry!

    That happened to my hamster when i was just 7 i accidently dropped her and quickly put her back into the cage. She wasn't moving the next day so i took her to the vet and she had a broken spine. =[

    Or you could be lucky and she just isn't feeling herself after being stunned.

  3. go to the vet or pet shop

  4. She may be paralyzed u should take her to the vet or she may be dieing bcuz I had a hamster & the day before she died she moved very little.

  5. She shouldn't be like that the next day if she was just stunned or in shock.

    It sounds like a brain injury or prehaps a spinal injury. Not much you can do apart from take her to the vets. If you can't, provide bedding to keep her warm plus fresh food and water and keep an eye on her; she may be okay, but she sounds like she's in a bad state.

  6. feed her to my snake

  7. GO TO THE VET!!

  8. If she's not acting normally and is barely moving after a fall, there's a fair chance that she is seriously hurt. Hamsters, like many small prey animals, will tend to hide their symptoms, so if you see signs of illness or injury it's often worse than you think. Please call your vet.

  9. Please take her to the vet immediately!!! Shock should not last this long, she should have calmed down by now. This sounds like there is a more serious problem, such as spinal or brain injury.

    Another thought, this may have nothing to do with her being dropped, she may be ill (seriously ill by the sounds of it) and she needs vet treatment right away!!! Please, don't delay, your hamster's life could depend on immediate vet care.

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