
My hamster is pooping out blood?

by Guest10737  |  earlier

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She is pooping out blood... A LOT of blood... and she is squirming around while doing this(almost like stretching), in her bed/sleep area.

I'm afraid to touch her or pick her up; there is blood all over her bottom!

I recently went to the vet, and he said she had a kind of stomach infection, and he gave me baytril to give to her everyday for a week...

It's been five days, and she is still having diarreah, though just now i noticed that she started pooping blood.

It's 1 am, so it's too late to go to the vet...

Any suggestions?




  1. Your hamster has wet tail, that means it is extremely sick because there was a sudden drop in temperature or you hamster got wet. Please just try to comfort him. I hope he is ok, good luck to all of you. *sigh

  2. im sorry go to the vet maybe

  3. Hi Xx, blood from the a**s can be caused by alot of things. Some good, some bad. Only your vet can tell you for sure so get her to a vet asap or call your local pet emergency center.

  4. After you are done with the meds, wait a day, and it nothing had changed, you should go back to the vet.

  5. Oh, that's horrible! Poor thing. I know when dogs get parvo they have bloody diarrhea, not sure if hamsters can a disease like that. I don't know what else you could do right now if the vets closed. I hate to think of her suffering. I guess all you can do is wait it out tonight. Take her to the vet tomorrow as soon as they open. I hope she turns out ok.

    *Oh gosh, if Melissa down below is right please take her in quickly and don't let her suffer. Please leave a note on this about what happened. I'm gonna be thinking about your little critter all day.*

  6. I would keep going to the vet and ask for advice

    the medicine should work in a few days

  7. h**l, your hamster is probably heamarogging...

  8. is your vet treating her for "wet tail"? this attacks larger hamsters and is usually attributed to stress. unfortunately, in these situations what you are describing is probably a prolapsed r****m, ( what your mom said she saw) the blood is bright red, right ? your animal is in pain that is why it is squirming and straining and more than likely a vet will put it to sleep, because there is nothing they can do for her. i experienced this when i worked in a pet store and it is disturbing to see. please if you still have your hamster take them to the vet asap and do what is best for the little one. i am sorry that you have to experience this.

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