
My hamster is preg & she is bleedin out of her area and there r these small things coming out and they rnt pup

by  |  earlier

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they r like smaller than the size of what they p**p and she is bleedin is this normal




  1. sounds like a miscarriage, get her cleaned up and dispose of the mess outside of the house so she can't smell it, before she goes into a depression. Please don't leave her in that mess.  Call a vet to make sure you do everything properly.

    Aminals will grieve a lost pregnancy as a human does.

  2. Female hamsters have blood coming out during their pregnancy but they should not be "bleeding" in the real sense of the word.The maximum they may have is "spotting of blood" sometimes noticeable in the bedding during delivery time or the blood and serum coated mixture when the babies come out.

    I think if you are not sure if she is bleeding or having normal discharge, better take her to a vet.

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