
My hamster is sick but my dad won't let me bring him to the vet! Help?

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My hamster either has mange or cancer, thats why I need him to go to the vet.

The thing is, my dad said it would be cheaper to buy a new hamster.


Well, actually yes, but I don't care how much it costs, I love my hamster!

I said I would pay for it but he said its not worth it and he won't let me!






  1. call your local animal protection agency after first trying to talk it out with your dad.

  2. I agree that you should try every possible way of getting your pet to the vet! As other people had said try getting other relatives to take you, and do more chores and things around the house! i hope your hamster gets better!

  3. i had the same problem your dad is right it isnt worth it i know you love your hamster so did i but they dont live very long anyway and even if you go to a vet it may still die

    hope for the best

    but if not i know what it feels like and i am deeply sorry

  4. Seriously, if your hamster doesn't make it, it doesn't make it. Taking it to the vet is a serious waste of money.

    Living beings get old and they die, that's life.

  5. omg i know exactly how u feel! my new baby hamsters foot has nerve damage and my dad just said its not worth it.

    u should do just what i did, pray, hope for the best and hope that ur hamster gets better

    p.s. ill pray for him too

  6. I am so sorry for the predicament you are in. It sounds as though you have a lot more emotional maturity than your father. Pets are not property - their value is much much greater than the price tag on a new hamster. In fact, a little pal you have lived with and nurtured is priceless.

    One argument you can make with your father is to point out that by law in most places, it is a crime to fail to provide veterinary care for a pet regardless what kind of pet that may be. You can explain to him that the reason such laws exist is that when you take on the responsibility of owning a pet, you take on the responsibility of stewardship for that animal's well being. You can point out to him that he is not modeling responsible behavior. (It doesn't sound like your dad is mature and responsible enough for you to have a pet!) Frankly, if you were my child I would be in raptures that you felt such responsibility towards your pet. If all else fails you can point out to him that you would rather spend your money alleviating the suffering of a fellow living being than wasting it on games or material possessions.

    You might call a vet and ask them to speak with your father. Another alternative is to speak with another relative or even the parents of a friend. I think that you can find someone who will help you if your father cannot be convinced. Many people understand the true value of a pet and the sensitivity and maturity in your desire to see your pet treated.

    A vet absolutely can and will treat a hamster. Sometimes, if the prognosis is not good, they may help you to make the decision to put your pet to sleep so that he is not suffering. Either way, you need to impress upon your father that he is teaching by example and the example he is setting is one of disregard for the suffering of others (both your hamster's and yours!) and for the law.

    I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

  7. Your dad is cruel ask your mom.

  8. It's so upsetting the misconceptions that people seem to have about small animals and the vet. My own father had the same feelings. I think it's something about their generation.

    I don't see how it's not "worth it" if you love something. Vet costs are not too bad for small animals, generally. How far is the vet? Can you walk or bike it? Any relatives who will take you?

  9. Ok, it drives me nuts to see people agree with your father's side. Why? My father was the same way. I had numerous rats suffer (and die) because ''it costs less to get a new one''.

    In the future, don't get small animals. I know it seems hard, but until you are out on your own, and can provide medical attention, it's just not fair to put them into a household that won't take proper care of them if they fall ill.

    Mange or cancer? Two different sides of the health chart, don't you think?

    Anyways, taking my rats to the vet.....most I've paid was $80 (ear infection) and $50 of it was just the office visit fee. (I hate those)

    They do have short lifespans, but in those few years, if it's not worth the cost to keep them happy & healthy...then it's not worth owning them.

    Sorry that your dad isn't understanding. Try someone else?

  10. ur dad is a @ss

  11. I am sorry, but I agree with your dad.  I had a hamster "hamsty" and it was crushing to watch him die, but I doubt they would even do anything for a hamster.  

  12. Your dad is being really mean, honestly.  You offered to pay for it, and he still won't let you?  You are so kind to want to use your money to help a sick animal.  Some kids are begging their parents for money for video games and cell phones.

    My first idea is to try to bribe your Dad.  Come up with a list of things you are willing to do in exchange for taking the hamster to the vet.  You can include chores, babysitting younger siblings, and/or going without gifts on occasions when you usually get them.  Maybe this could be an early birthday present?  (I don't know when your birthday is, of course, but if it is in the next few months, this could work.)

    My second idea is to ask other adults.  Try an Aunt or Uncle.  Say you know it isn't their responsibility, but you would really appreciate it, and are willing to do chores that they need done in exchange for their help.

    If all of this fails, you can still feel good about yourself for trying.  Also, don't accept another pet from your Dad.  If he won't help provide veterinary care, he should not be buying pets.

  13. talk about animal cruelty :\

    try to find someone who can take you to the vet instead of your dad

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