
My hamster is sleep in the night and awake in the day and I wanna know if it's healthy for them... Please help

by  |  earlier

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He's only 3 months and really healthy though. This is my 2nd hamster. But my first one died of wet tail. Please Help!!




  1. It depends, is he asleep all night and awake all day or just part of the time.  Hamsters will wake up in the day and play for a bit.  That is normal, however i would watch him carefully.  Being awake in the day shouldn't be a problem, just as long as he is getting rest and a proper diet.

  2. As along as it's healthy then let the hamster sleep during the night

    and if you feel concerned see a vet

  3. Itty Bitty rodents were much longer wild animals than pets. Some of the very furry hamsters I have had tended to be awake more during the day but the ones that were short haired and colored more like wild types tended to be up running around as they would in the wild foraging because it is safer for a small animal to forage at night obviously which explains the need for those cute big sized dark eyes.

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