
My hamster isn't acting... er... normally?

by  |  earlier

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The day before yesterday he was perfectly fine, well groomed, eating drinking, pooping, running on his wheel for hours... Yesterday he only ran for about an hour, he was eating and drinking and as far as I know pooping, I checked his pee corner, and there was pee there, and he groomed himself like usual, I found no diahrea, but he went to sleep early, like he got up at 10 o'clock and went to sleep at 11:30... where as he usually sleeps at 4 o'clock, I got him two weeks ago... I'm rather worried... He hasn't woken up yet,it's still really early for him though. Could there be something wrong, or was he just maybe taking a break?




  1. i wouldnt worry he may have tired himself out and so needs a longer sleep! signs of sickness are:


    blood in faeces or in cage

    over urinating

    over vocalising

    fur standing up


    if these signs are not obvious then i wouldnt worry

  2. If he's a few years old, he is probably about to die, sorry.

  3. Its okay

    My hamster has irragular sleeping times

    But he is perfectly normal

    Running in his wheel

    Doing this buisness




    Nothing to worry about

    But if there are signs of sickness, call the vet

  4. As long as there is no signs of sickness, there is nothing to worry about. Hamsters also have lazy days like we do so probably your hamster just decided to sleep more on this day. It is possible that the hot weather might have made him uncomfortable and a bit stressed out, so when the cool weather happened, he compensated for the stress by sleeping it out. As I said before, as long as he is eating and pooping properly and otherwise looks normal, there is nothing to worry.

  5. i would just wait a couple days and if he continues to sleep i would call the pet store

                                 i hope hes ok

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