
My hamster just died ;( Is it too soon to get a new pet?

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I also feel like it was my fault. He was in my room, happily running around one minute, about an hour later, he was dying. I think he got to hot because my room is upstairs and my fan isn't working.

Also, our air conditioning broke. I tried to save him, but all of the vets were closed! I still feel like it was all my fault for not noticing the heat and taking him downstairs. He also had mites, we think. We have another hamster who was up there in the same heat, but she is okay. Was he sick with something we don't know about? Did the heat kill him? Was it my fault? Is it too soon to get a new one sometime this week?

Please help me ;(




  1. Oh, don't think it was your fault. Your poor hamster was taken up to heaven for a reason. Instead of thinking all the bad thoughts, try to remember all the good times you guys had's ok to be sad about it and miss him. Did the heat kill him? I can't say for sure...I wasn't there, so I can't help you on that one... I just lost my hamster too, about three weeks ago, I'm already trying to get my mom to let me have a rat, so I don't think it's to early for you... maybe taking care of another hamster will take your mind off your old one.

    You don't have to forget, No. Don't try to forget...I know you don't want to forget. Think of everything you have done for her, she will always love you. God bless your little hamster, may her body rest in peace and her soul rise up to our god.  

    Remember pet can't live forever, and neither can you and day you will be re-united with her..until then she'll be watching over you


  2. It's up to you.

    If you feel you are ready to get a new one, then do so.

  3. That's sad.

    But don't rush into it.

    I know other people will say 'it's just a hamster' and yes, though I don't think you'll mourn for long, you need to make sure YOU'RE ready to move on. Don't set a time frame of 'sometime this week'- just see when you feel comfortable to move on.

  4. it is not to soon, everyone makes a mistake in life, you should get another animal to fill his spot though it is likly that no other can.

  5. There's no set time to get another pet.  You need to allow yourself to mourn, and if you feel guilty, getting a new pet won't help that feeling.

    Also, you really shouldn't get another pet when the same thing that killed the previous one could hurt the new one.  Mites are very contagious- they can live in bedding, clothing, etc, and heat will hurt a young/small hamster even faster then an older one.

    Situations like this, it doesn't really matter who's fault it is, if any.  It happened, and assigning blame won't help.

  6. I'm so sorry to hear that....

    They're delicate it could have been the heat or he ate something on the floor.....I don't think it's too soon to get a new one....but just make sure you take special precautions to avoid what happened last time.


  7. Oh they only live for so long it was just his time.when you feel better then get another one,


    (Dedicated toyour lil hamster)

    You wonder why or how

    Some people grow so mean

    They hurt defenceless souls

    Their hearts are cold, oh Mercy

    You were young and sweet

    A tender gentle friend

    Easy to defeat

    Oh Mercy...

    All the lost and found

    On the rainbow bridge

    Spare their tears of pain

    Heal their suffering

    Light the troubled way

    Keep their memory safe

    For the rainbow's end

    Is a brighter day...

    I see your trusting face

    No man should ever harm

    Rest in peace my dear

    Oh Mercy

    You're in a better place

    Held soft by angels arms

    Sleep now precious one

    Oh Mercy

    All the lost and found

    On the rainbow bridge

    Spare their tears of pain

    Heal their suffering

    Light the troubled way

    Keep their memory safe

    For the rainbow's end

    Is a brighter day...

  8. i'm sorry to hear of your loss...

    Try and remember all the good times you had together and it will help, if you buy a new hamster and try and recreate those specail moments then your new hamster will have a part of your old one too.

    Try and get one that needs your help like it is too nervous so you can mke an even stronger bond.

    It is never too early to get a new pet, it is just when you feel you are ready.

  9. awwwww :( :'(

    that's sad :( I dont think it was your fault, and if it was you didnt mean for anything bad to happen to him so that's okay. I think it would be good for you to get a new pet because that takes some of the pain away. Your hamster might have felt the heat more than the other one and i dont think mites has much to do with it. It's ok though if you get another one, you'll know not to take the risk and it'll take some of the pain away

    sorry, xx

  10. Hamsters are very susceptible to heat stroke. Even though they live in the desert/steppes their underground burrows where they spend much of the time is a similar temperature to room temperature.

    I'd wait a bit before getting another hamster. Here's why:

    You are unsure what killed your previous pet. If it's contagious, your other hamster may have it. I'd do a minimum two week observation time of your current hamster to make sure he doesn't have any illnesses you're not aware of yet that could be passed to a new pet.

    Heatstroke is serious and often fatal. Wait until after the a/c and fan are fixed before bringing another one home. This way no matter where in the house your pet is, it's at a safe temperature and not relying on someone to be home and remember to move his cage to a different location.

    Possible mite infestation. Obviously, this must be treated before any new pet enters the house.

    You also want to do a complete disinfecting of the dead hamsters cage and anything he's touched (ball, waterbottle, houses, wheel, ect) to make sure that you wouldn't be passing anything to it's new occupant.

    After you resolve all the issues and wait at least two weeks to make sure that your other hamster doesn't have any hidden illness, then you can consider getting another hamster.

  11. Awww, poor little guy,but its not your fault and thinking that will only make you feel worse. maybe the mites killed him, but hamsters only live for about 1-3 years. how old was he? when you feel better i think you should get a new one.

  12. im sorry about your hamster and no it wasn't your fault hamsters can live in intense heat since rats and mice live in the desert this is easy to say.hamsters life spand is only 2-3 years if it was younger it probally was a desease i advise if it was a desease take your other hamster out and scrub the cage with hot water and sope incase he gets it to.and i do say you should get another one since your other hamster had a friend and lost him hes probally sad and needs someone to play with so get another one soon , hamsters can die of lonlyness.

  13. Well u still hve 1. Sorry 4 ur loss.But getiing another one that fast shows ur parents that u didn care about the one that died.

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