
My hamster just died?

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and i dont know why it was in ball in its bedding, i poked it yesterday and it moved it water and there was a tiny bit of food scattered around but i had seen it hiding lots of food before and it didnt seem hungry so i didnt give it any the next day its in a ball dead, whay could this have happened?




  1. well if you got it at a S***y *** pet store then it was never in good health plus it probably killed its self by choking

  2. it was probaly the bedding u used (they are alergic to pine and cedar it can kill them) also it might of been that u didnt clean out the cage or you gave it too many fruits or veggies. Also because you werent feeding it.

  3. Hmmmm what kind of bedding were you using? If it was cedar or pine then those are very very harmful to hamsters and any type of rodent. Discharge around the eye? Greesy matted down fur? Discharge of the nose? Wet looking tail? If you saw any of those symptoms your hamster might've had the flu or a respiratory problem. You should do some research on hamster sicknesses on google. It'll be a big help. Sorry I can't help you more!!! Good luck finding an answer.

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss. When my mouse died the same thing happened except she had a rash around her neck, maybe the ppoor thing had and inner illness, or of old age. Hamsteres only live up to two years anything up to or past that is pretty good. I'm sure he/she lived a good long life.

  5. I'm sorry for your loss. It's hard to tell why it died. If you remember seeing any diarrhea in it's cage it could have died from Wet Tail, which is an often fatal intestinal disease in hamsters. Hamsters who have this condition don't have an appetite, have a wet-looking bottom, might not drink, and sleep quite often. Did your hamster look skinny when you found it? Do you have an idea of how old it was? Wet tail is very common in young hamsters.

    It also could have died of old age. If you were using pine or cedar bedding it could have died from inhaling the toxic fumes from it. Were you cleaning the cage weekly? If not there's a possibility that Aspergillis fungus, which occurs where the hamster urinates and releases harmful spores, started to grow. The fungus looks white, but turns black eventually.

  6. Im sooooooooooo sorry to hear that u must have luved it i know how u feel mine died about 6 months ago ouch still hurts really bad maybe it was old or it was sick once again im sooooooooooooooo sorry to hear that  ):
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