
My hamster just had babbys what should i do

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my hamster just had babbys and i am not sure what to do

does there mother eat them at a curtain age

should i seperate the parents

should i seperate the parents from the children

is there a place i can sell them to




  1. Separate the dad the dad from the babies,but leave the mom!Dad's will eat the babies!The babies need to be with their mom for a while before you sell them!

  2. Leave The Mom separate the dad

    the mom may eat them all or just one or none

    um yellow pages or newspaper add

  3. well it has to feed them and the onlly reason it would eat them if it was threatened or something

  4. You really don't need to do anything except to take the father out of the cage.  It will frighten the mother and she may eat the babies because she will feel threatened.  Obviously you can't separate the mom from the children because she needs to nurse them.  Sometimes they do eat their babies and it is natural so don't feel alarmed.  It won't be your fault.  Don't touch them for the first couple of weeks because if you do the mother will reject them.  You can offer them to a pet store.  You can also advertise and ask family and friends if they know of anyone but they should go to homes before eight weeks of age.

  5. do not touch the babies at all the mother will not take care of them or eat them.

    if the father is being a bother remove him but leave them alone tell they get older unless you want them all dead.

    you can sell them once they are old enough on

  6. If you don't know what to do with hamster babies, then why did you have a male and a female together? Separate the parents and keep them separated!!!!

    Take the male out and let the female do her job. She may eat the babies, but that is a risk you have to take when you are irresponsible and breed animals without knowing what you're doing.  

  7. The mother eats them if something is wrong with the baby or she's under a lot of stress. Which reminds me- DON'T TOUCH THE BABIES!! It's best to leave the babies and the mother alone- stop cleaning the cage until the babies come out and walk around for a few days. All you need to do is make sure the mother has plenty of clean food and fresh water.

    DO NOT separate the mother from the babys, but it is a VERY good idea to separate the father. The father could hurt the babies, and the mother could fight him if he gets too close to them.

    You can take the babies to LOCAL pet stores, after they grow up and learn to take care of themselves. I'm sure that some places will take them, and even give you money for them.

    Good Luck!

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